Unit Four Health Care Issue Analysis Assignment

Unit Four: Health Care Issue Analysis Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the student’s ability to examine the political, historical, and research literature regarding a topic in health care policy and economics and current active state or current pending federal legislation that may impact the outcome. The student must demonstrate an understanding of the workings of the political process as well as the pertinent political history related to the topic. Unit Four: Health Care Issue Analysis Assignment


The selected political or economic health care issue can be the same topic selected for the Health Care Bill Advocate. Students will select a political or economic health care issue that is of particular personal or professional interest and is presently being addressed with current active state legislation or current pending federal legislation.

A thoroughly in-depth literature review will be conducted, which will provide a perspective on the extent of this issue. All viewpoints should be explored. Students will critically analyze the literature and present a synthesis of the views and analysis. The paper should include:

An introduction with purpose for selecting the health care policy/economic issue

History of the issue with the past bills and legislation

Current state of the issue, including different viewpoints (support or opposition) and your viewpoints. Analysis of the strengths and weakness of specific recommendations that have been proposed to solve the health care issue

Proposal of next steps to promote/prevent the health care issue from continuing

Implications for nursing profession


The paper will be between 6 and 8 pages (excluding title and reference pages) and shall be written at a graduate level and in APA format.

This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade and is due at the end of Unit Four.

Unit Four: Health Care Issue Analysis Assignment