Personal Philosophy of Advance Nursing Practice Narrative

Personal Philosophy of Advance Nursing Practice Narrative

This Assignment addresses this course outcome:

MN502-1: Formulate a professional nursing philosophy based upon the role and responsibilities of the advanced nurse. Personal Philosophy of Advance Nursing Practice Narrative


The purpose of this Assignment is for you to present your views, values, and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm (i.e., person, nursing, health, and environment) and their interrelationship to one another as they guide your current nursing practice. The process of identifying a personal nursing philosophy of advanced nursing practice and continuously examining, affirming, and validating this philosophy through caring for patients, families, communities, populations, and/or systems can foster professional and personal growth that builds advanced practice expertise.



In this Assignment, you will develop the first draft of your personal philosophy of advanced practice nursing. You will continue to work on this document throughout the course, with new drafts reflecting your growing sophistication as you reflect on each week’s lesson.

A philosophical statement includes these elements:

  • An introduction that presents your thought processes used to articulate a philosophy of advanced practice nursing. Note that APA does not use a heading for the introduction, because it is assumed that the first few paragraphs of a manuscript are the introduction.
  • Valued personal concepts, such as:
    • Metaparadigm concepts such as person/client, nursing, health, and environment
    • Additional concepts you may find valuable to advanced practice, such as IOM Future of Nursing, accountability, interprofessional collaborative practice, social justice, and professionalism
    • Definition of each concept selected
    • Relationships between and among concepts within your personal philosophy as applied to your current practice. A diagram with should be used to graphically depict these interrelationships.

Personal Philosophy of Advance Nursing Practice Narrative