Power Point Presentation Assignment

Power Point Presentation Assignment

PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines
To create your Final Course Project PowerPoint Presentation, you should not copy and paste
large sections of text from your written proposal. A PowerPoint presentation is different from a
written report. Your slides should include only the main points from your proposal, and these
main points should be condensed into short phrases and explanations. Your PowerPoint
presentation should include the following elements: The presentation should include 9-10 slides,
including the Title Slide. It is important to ensure your instructor can follow your presentation and
understand what you are communicating. You will not be recording your voice; you will be giving
your instructor your script directly on the slides themselves and in the dialog box. Power Point Presentation Assignment
The presentation should include:
Title Slide
Purpose Statement Slides
Audience Slides
Problem Slides
Original and Creative Solution Slides
Visuals that enhance your presentation
Title Slide
Your title slide should include the following:
An appropriate title for your proposal presentation
The name of this course (in place of the name of the company preparing the proposal)
The author’s name
The date of the presentation
Purpose Statement (1-2 slides)
Include the purpose statement from your project. Add a reflective statement if you think you
have fulfilled the purpose of the project.
Audience (1 slide)
Your slides should explain who the audience of your proposal includes and what their needs
Tell how you will overcome skepticism.
What objections do you anticipate?
Problem Section (2-3 slides)
Just as you did in the written proposal, you must prove that a serious problem exists. You may
want to answer these questions about your problem:
How long has the problem existed?
Is it worse now? Why?
What are some relevant statistics?
What are other people doing to solve similar problems?
Original and Creative Solution Section (2-3 slides)
Your slides should briefly outline the change you propose and want approved. Your solution
should be directly related to the problem you just documented and be appropriate to the
audience you’ve described.
Again, please remember that PowerPoint slides should use short phrases and explanations, not
complete paragraphs from your written proposal. You should consider using visuals in this
section if you cite numerical data to support your plan. Power Point Presentation Assignment
In the overall format of your PowerPoint slides, please use the following guideline:
Use an appropriate design template. Assume that your presentation will be given in a “bright”
room (with the lights on).
The following resources may help you as you create your PowerPoint and cite your sources:
Creating a PowerPoint
Citing Sources in a PowerPoint
A Word on Visuals…
Make sure your visuals explain, support, or enhance your presentation. Do not use visuals
simply as decoration.PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines
To create your Final Course Project PowerPoint Presentation, you should not copy and paste large
sections of text from your written proposal. A PowerPoint presentation is different from a written
report. Your slides should include only the main points from your proposal, and these main points
should be condensed into short phrases and explanations. Your PowerPoint presentation should
include the following elements: The presentation should include 9-10 slides, including the Title Slide.
It is important to ensure your instructor can follow your presentation and understand what you are
communicating. You will not be recording your voice; you will be giving your instructor your script
directly on the slides themselves and in the dialog box.
The presentation should include:
Title Slide
Purpose Statement Slides
Audience Slides
Problem Slides
Original and Creative Solution Slides
Visuals that enhance your presentation
Title Slide
Your title slide should include the following:
An appropriate title for your proposal presentation
The name of this course (in place of the name of the company preparing the proposal)
The author’s name
The date of the presentation
Purpose Statement (1-2 slides)
Include the purpose statement from your project. Add a reflective statement if you think you have
fulfilled the purpose of the project.
Audience (1 slide)
Your slides should explain who the audience of your proposal includes and what their needs are.
Tell how you will overcome skepticism.
What objections do you anticipate?
Problem Section (2-3 slides)
Just as you did in the written proposal, you must prove that a serious problem exists. You may want
to answer these questions about your problem:
How long has the problem existed?


Is it worse now? Why?
What are some relevant statistics?
What are other people doing to solve similar problems?
Original and Creative Solution Section (2-3 slides)
Your slides should briefly outline the change you propose and want approved. Your solution should
be directly related to the problem you just documented and be appropriate to the audience you’ve
described. Power Point Presentation Assignment
Again, please remember that PowerPoint slides should use short phrases and explanations, not
complete paragraphs from your written proposal. You should consider using visuals in this section if
you cite numerical data to support your plan.
In the overall format of your PowerPoint slides, please use the following guideline:
Use an appropriate design template. Assume that your presentation will be given in a “bright”
room (with the lights on).
The following resources may help you as you create your PowerPoint and cite your sources:
Creating a PowerPoint
Citing Sources in a PowerPoint
A Word on Visuals…
Make sure your visuals explain, support, or enhance your presentation. Do not use visuals simply as
● Below is the summary in which you have to use this idea to create the powerpoint
Executive Summary
To prevent Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in the City of Mounds View, MN. especially;
legislation to disallow or euthanize the American Pit Bull Terrier (Amstaff or Pit Bulls ).
Additionally, to take this opportunity to educate my readers about this majestic breedProblem
The Pit Bull may be the most misunderstood and demonized dog breed in America. Efforts by
groups promoting Breed-Specific Legislation, public misinformation and an “if it bleeds it leads,”
attitude in the media have resulted in the banning of this breed in several North American Cities.
If this BSL is allowed to continue, the number of cities with similar bans will continue to grow.
My fear is that a similar ban may be adopted which would affect my dog and my family.
Providing factual scholarly sources, expert opinions, and my personal experience I will educate
my readers about the breed standards and expected temperament. I will also differentiate the
Pit Bull from the other Breeds it is commonly associated with and I will discuss the duties of a
responsible owner and how this can reduce the amount of dog bites and attacks for all breeds.
Dog bites and attacks against humans or animals are a tragic event. There is a growing
number of scholars and experts that believe the owner and the environment are directly
responsible for the aggressive nature of a dog. Additionally, new research shows there is no
evidence to suggest that any one breed is more likely to attack. There are many preventable
factors that lead to dog bite fatalities. Power Point Presentation Assignment