Reflective Journal

A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) has been a big milestone in my nursing career advancement. I have learnt that the course does not change the approach of the nursing experts but rather advocates for teamwork. I have learnt that I should collaborate with other master’s prepared nurses in an advanced responsibility, especially as their leaders. The DNP has also enabled me to understand intra-professional collaborations. This implies that the DNP nurses also collaborate with other healthcare facilities so as to ensure the maximum provision of quality healthcare. For instance, the nurses collaborate with insurance companies where they provide services regarding the evidence-based on practice to client results within specialty programs. The DNP nurses also collaborate with public policy, health system and academia, among others. In healthcare delivery, DNP-nurses lead programs linked to maternal and children welfare, healthcare provisions, vaccinations, school and family welfare, chronic diseases, homecare and even environmental health among others (“Nurses’ role in public health”, 2016)POPULATION MANAGEMENT: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL.


In a reflection of the first assignment “Epidemiology Paper Part One: Descriptive Method”, it was helpful in examining features of a person, place as well as time. The sole aim of the descriptive epidemiology is to be in a position of describing the descriptive aspects of given diseases and determinants. The assignment was helpful in defining the existing relationship between descriptive epidemiology and nursing science which merged since the two disciplines are working to seek solutions. The assignment pointed out important ways through which descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health sector. Ways through which the it used in analyzing the Risk-population were deeply examined.

Meanwhile, in the second assignment “Epidemiology Paper Part One: Descriptive Method”, the assignment is a continuation of part one and chose to narrow down the application and analysis to eating disorders. The assignment examines rationale behind the high number of eating disorders, particularly among the teenagers. The paper affirmed that the population at risk to suffer more from eating disorders are adolescents because of massive peer influence they undergo from their peers. The efforts to minimize food disorders have been faced with a number of challenges like poor stakeholder collaboration.

In the sixth week of this course where we studied a “Case Report: Application of Public Health Concepts for the Uninsured”, the case report analyzed in the assignment is about chronic diseases within the United States. According to the report, chronic diseases is an issue that has resulted to bigger challenges within the U.S. The report affirms that there is need for the DNP knowledge to be used widely in addressing these challenges. This is because DNP based practitioners are well prepared in utilizing this DNP knowledge.

In a reflection of the last assignment in week seven of this course, the topic “Epidemiology Paper Part Three: Implementation and Evaluation”, this assignment discusses the change theory by Lewin further. The theory was preferred because it offers support towards population management programs. It is regarded as the best theory because it takes into consideration the procedure to be followed in the transformation process POPULATION MANAGEMENT: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL.

I have learned in this course that a DNP nurse understands the ethical considerations that ought to guide their services towards patients. They understand that they ought to work with respect and compassion and observe the unique features and dignity for every person. \hey also understands that their primary role is oriented towards the patient. They ought to promote, protect and advocate for their rights as far as healthiness and safety are concerned. The decisions they make should be consistent with their responsibility of providing optimal healthcare. Furthermore, being a DNP nurse requires that one understand the common public health issues and concerns. Among them are drug-related problems, food security, stroke and heart disease, HIV/AIDS, road accidents, nutrition problems, prescription drugs overdoses and even healthcare-related infections, among others.


It is evident that technology also plays a key role in improving health services. For instance, it has enhanced communication between medical practitioners which has further enabled them to offer the best services. Technology has also reduced chances of committing a medical error especially for the reason that there are medical alerts, reminders and clinical flags that ensure minimal errors whenever a nurse is using the electronic prescriptions (Shen, Angosta, Sotero, Rice & Raju, 2018). Technology has also increased access to medical information. It has also increased patient-oriented services.

Finally, as far as health policy is concerned, a DNP nurse serves as a leader whereby they ensure effectiveness, efficiency and quality of programs and services. They also ensure that employed nurses are qualified enough to offer the best medical services to the public. Similarly, health disparities are oriented towards the avoidable diversities in the burden of a disease, violence, injury, and even chances to acquire optimal healthiness that is experienced by the marginalized population. He risks may be based on race, gender, income levels, education among others. A DNP nurse ought to understand the factors that contribute to the disparities and hence find a solution where they can POPULATION MANAGEMENT: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL.


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Shen, J., Angosta, A., Sotero, M., Rice, J., & Raju, K. (2018). Nursing Associated Medication Errors: Are Internationally Educated Nurses Different from U.S. Educated Nurses? European Journal of Environment and Public Health2(1). doi: 10.20897/ejeph/85002

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