
Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.

Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.

Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.

In addition, address:

Subject selection

Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome

Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled

Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect

Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject Selection, and Measurement Issues.

Refer to the “Key Elements of a Research Proposal.”

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.