Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper

Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper

Reflective Journal Module 4 More Peer-Review Laws and Rules: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area

Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper

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N3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects N3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Name: Date: Overview: Reflective Journal Each week you will make an entry into your Journal. You are asked to reflect on 3 key points for each module (Modules 2-5). Key points: What did you take away from the module knowledge wise or interesting? Each entry should reflect on your understanding of the topic, your experiences and observations in your work environment or general nursing environment regarding the module topic. This is a cumulative document. You will save it to your own computer desktop or memory device and update it each week. You will upload and submit the latest version of your Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal to Blackboard by 2359 the Saturday following each class of this course. Your entries will be graded using the journal rubric; please be sure to follow all instructions. Rubrics: Use this rubric to guide your Journal entries. There will be total of 4 Journal entries (Modules 2, 3, 4 & 5). With each journal, you are expected to address 3 key points from the class lecture, discussion, and content. Discuss how each point applies to your practice as a nurse, and, finally, how will your practice change in the future because of this information. Each response to every question must be at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking.


No partial credit. Journal Rubric for each Module Criteria 1st Key Point (30 Points) Target Discuss 1st key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be ©2015University of Texas at Arlington Unacceptable Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future Page 1 of 10 N3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed. Must be at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking (for each question). No partial credit. 2nd Key Point (30 Points) 3rd Key Point (30 Points) (30 Points) Discuss 2nd key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed. Must be at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking (for each question). Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper

No partial credit. (30 Points) Discuss 3rd key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed. Must be at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking (for each question). No partial credit. based on RN-BSN program. (0 Points) Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program. (0 points) Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program. (0 points) (30 Points) ©2015University of Texas at Arlington Page 2 of 10 N3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects Spelling & Grammar (10 points) 3 or less spelling & grammar errors in the reflective journal. Greater than 3 spelling & grammar errors in the reflective journal. (10 Points) (0 Points) ©2015University of Texas at Arlington Page 3 of 10 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects Instructions: Each week, record your experiences, connections to your course goals, and reflections as they relate to the given prompts and/or your course project. You will come up with 3 key points from each Module and then follow the instructions listed below. For privacy, refer to patients, online colleagues, and/or co-workers with initials instead of names. Save this document to your own computer desktop or storage device after each entry to create a cumulative journal. Do not post in the EXAMPLE area. Start with Reflection Journal Module 2. Journal Entries A separate Journal entry is required for each class by 2359 Saturday of each indicated class. Provide details of your thinking, including insights, challenges, paradigm shifts, and goals. Identify previous course topics, readings, or research that relate to the prompt. Journal Entry Reflective Journal Example: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Place Key Point in this column: Reflect on the Key Point (following Journal Rubric) in this column: YOU MUST ANSWER ALL 3 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR KEY POINT IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CREDIT (NO PARTIAL CREDIT). Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper
PLEASE COME UP WITH YOUR OWN KEY POINTS FOR EACH MODULE. DELEGATION, SAFE HARBOR & PEER REVIEW ARE JUST EXAMPLESPLEASE COME UP WITH YOUR OWN KEY POINTS FOR EACH MODULE. Do not write in this example box. Please place each Module in its designated box. Scroll down and type your Module 2 journal in the Module 2 box and do the same for subsequent journals. Key Point 1: Example: Delegation Key Point 2: Example: Safe Harbor 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 4 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects Key Point 3: Example: Peer Review 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking Reflective Journal Module 2: Legal Overview and Peer Review Process: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Place Key Point in this column: Key Point 1: Professiona l nursing conduct Answer each question below with at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking. 1. Why it is important? Professional nursing conduct is vital for nurses when dealing with patients. The conduct of nurses determines patient safety. This is achieved through executing the assigned duties as needed and communicating feedback when required while respecting the privacy of the involved parties. Such ensures that nurses are able to address the people of different cultures and backgrounds as per individual expectations. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? Learning professional conduct guidelines has a positive impact on my nursing practice as it guides me on how to interact with different patients. Embracing the professional conduct as a nurse also makes it possible for me to work in different environments and deal with people from different cultures. Professional nursing conduct also helps me in determining patient care based on knowledge and skills gained throughout my learning period without depending on any other external factors. 3. How will I change my practice? Professional nursing conduct will help me shape my practice as a nurse through making informed decisions in every aspect of my practice. I will be able to interact with patients in a better manner while aware of the limits, dos and don’ts hence safeguarding my practice while delivering the best services. Being aware of professional conduct will help me assist colleagues who act unprofessionally to understand the parameters of the work. Key Point 2. Standard Nursing Practice 1. Why it is important? Standard Nursing practice is vital since it ensures that all nurses have similar qualifications reflecting same depth of knowledge. As a result, registered nurses can operate anywhere while providing the same level of services. Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper
Patients can be seen by different nurses and still receive the same level of services. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? As a registered nurse, I ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 5 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects interact with other nursing practitioners such as Licensed Vocational nurses whom may operate under my watch. Being aware of the nursing standards learned in this course therefore helps me in my practice to ensure that nurses LN operate to the acceptable standards by acting as the supervisor. At personal level, applying the knowledge acquired on the standards of nursing helps me in delivering services as per the binding code’s expectations. 3. How will I change my practice? Being knowledgeable on who is responsible for specific tasks is vital towards being a good leader and overseeing that Licensed Vocational Nurses perform to the expected levels. As a nurse in charge, the standard nursing practice gives me a better opportunity to serve patients better while adhering to the professional conduct hence brings more focus to my practice, more than before. Understanding the different roles and to what standard they should be done makes my practice more accurate leading to safe and efficient levels of patient centered care. Key Point 3. Evidence Based Practice 1. Why it is important? Evidence based practice is vital since it improves patient outcomes. The practice also helps nursing practitioners grow professionally as they gain more knowledge in practice. Evidence based practice also reduces error chances since decisions made are supported by evidence thus reducing risks taken on a patient. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? Evidence based practice impacts my practice as it helps me make the best decisions for every situation I meet in workplace. As a nurse, I am bound to protect the life of each and every patient which is made possible by evidence based practice. The practice also enables me as a nurse practitioner to combine my knowledge and research hence make informed clinical decisions towards patient care. 3. How will I change my practice? All decisions that I will make in my nursing practice must be supported by considerable research. In so doing, the clinical decisions I make will be supported by existing research hence achieve a higher level of perfection. I will therefore be able to deliver improved patient care. Reflective Journal Module 3: More Peer-Review Laws and Rules: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 6 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects Place Key Point in this column: Key Point 1: Minor Incident reporting Key Point 2: Incidentbased nursing peer review Key Point 3. Whistleblo wing Answer each question below with at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking. 1. Why it is important: Reporting minor incidents law is important since it can be used to monitor the progress of Nurses in their practice. When committed mistakes are reported they can be addressed to avoid calamities or reoccurrence. I think that such a rule helps inexperienced nurses as they continue to advance in their practice. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? Such a rule impacts my work positively as I work hard to avoid being reported for committing minor incidents. In case they occur, the reporting helps me gain guidance from more experienced nurses hence positive progress in my progress. In such a way minor incident responding can help me gain more experience in my nurse practice. 3. How will I change my practice? I will ensure that I operate more vigilant to avoid any mistakes which might come up at workplace. I will consult while doing things that I am not sure of or which may need clarification. In so doing, minor incident reporting will shape my practice to deliver the expected outcomes. 1. Why it is important? Incident-based nursing peer review role is to maintain patient safety and improve patient outcomes. Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper
Nurses are held accountable of their safe practices through evaluation. Despite holding nurse’s accountable healthcare facilities are also questioned for the environment they provide in regard to patient safety. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? Incident based nursing peer review puts high priority on patient safety. As a nursing practitioner it informs me on the importance of reporting things which might lead to unsafe patient outcomes such as inadequate staffing which facilities should be made aware. As such, this enables me to take necessary precautions in my practice to ensure that I deliver the best outcomes in relation to patient safety. 3. How will I change my practice? Incident based nursing peer review impacts me to make a point of reporting all incidents presented before me. Reporting cases which might lead to unsafe patient outcomes is out of good intentions but not to put other practitioners in trouble or the facility hence won’t hesitate in making such reporting. I will not allow facilities to put me as a practitioner in a position of poor working conditions which might lead to unsafe patient outcomes thus being blamed for the same, hence it improves my vigilance and care while in my work. 1. Why it is important? Protection of whistleblowers helps report cases where patients may be exposed to harm by facilities or other practitioners. Despite the fear that one may be stigmatized for being a whistleblower, Texas BON protects whistleblowers. It is important learning about this protection since as ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 7 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects protection a nurse I should ensure that patients are protected from anything which may harm them. 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? As a new nurse in practice I may not have the confidence of whistle blowing due to fear of workmates and facility. However, learning about whistleblower protection helps me understand that it is necessary to report certain cases to ensure patient safety and I will be protected against any repercussions. As a nurse I am committed to patient safety and won’t be intimidated by any fears of being a whistleblower. 3. How will I change my practice? Whistleblower protection makes me confident in my practice since I can confidently report concerns in regard to patient safety. However, since like any other humans, workmates may be judgmental and label you as a “Troublemaker” it is important to be selective on what to report and to who. In case of concerns of patient safety, I can first report to the veteran nurses or supervisors. In case the concerns are ignored, I can go further to report to higher authorities even if it would cost me being labelled a “Whistleblower”. Reflective Journal Module 4: Professional Boundaries and Challenges: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Place Key Point in this column: Key Point 1 Answer each question below with at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking. 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking Key Point 2 1. Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper
Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 8 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 4. Key Point 3 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking Reflective Journal Module 5: Malpractice: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Place Key Point in this column: Key Point 1 Answer each question below with at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking. 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking Key Point 2 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 9 of 3375 Health Policy & Legal Aspects critical thinking Key Point 3 1. Why it is important? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 2. How does it impact my work/nursing practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking 3. How will I change my practice? at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. 10 Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 10 of

Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal Paper