Healthcare Improvement

Healthcare Improvement

Discuss two areas of difficulty you encountered or two new nursing interventions you learned this week at your clinical site. You may also choose to share one of each. Please remember to respond to two of your peers.

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Reply 1 Mary MC

Hi everyone, after reading your great papers on a Patient Safety Culture Paper it behooves the leaders of an organization to ensure systems function effectively & efficiently.  In addition, as a professional nurse, we each have a responsibility to identify systems issues & bring them forward.  Has anyone had the opportunity to participate in a “Failure Modes and Effects Analysis” (FMEA) in their organization?  All, you might ask your preceptors about this if you have an opportunity. Healthcare Improvement


FMEA analyzes any new/changed process to determine what could go wrong, where would it go wrong & what the consequences would be if the process went wrong.  It’s a very detailed process, using a multidisciplinary team of stakeholders & front-line staff.  But the benefits in seeking out any problems prior to implementation are well worth the time.  If you are involved in a change process, something that will impact patient care, it’s great to analyze the risks & develop a plan of action prior to implementation.  Check out more info from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement if you’re interested.  Please let me know your thoughts….


Reply 2 Leasia

Continuously implementing new nursing interventions is necessary to advance professionally. This week, I learned more about the leadership skills and incorporation of public health nursing at my clinical site. I work in a nursing and rehabilitation center, so both of these directions are vital to address within the community. For us, the interests of the patients are always the highest priority. Public health nursing implies that medical professionals dedicate their work to protecting the health of the community as a whole and creating an environment that could prevent disease and disability. Our center has an established leadership system that supports these values and gives all the needed support for workers to be most effective in the workplace Healthcare Improvement.

I support the family-centered care approach to work because it is meaningful and beneficial. Kaakinen and Webb (2016) define family nursing as a philosophy that perceives health and illness as family events. For me, this notion implies that health conditions that affect one family member will also always influence their relatives. It is significant to value the needs of the families when their members experience certain issues. For example, severe illness of one family member will also imply visible distress for all others; if the disease is infectious, it will quickly spread within the family. Addressing the place of the families within social systems and the development of life spans is also necessary to achieve healthy outcomes in families. Hierarchical relationships matter inside and outside the families and nursing professionals have to consider them in their practice. Moreover, families are never static in nature. Some members get older and die; others get married and give birth to new generations. Healthcare Improvement Needs are evolving side by side with these developments, and so does the needed care.