Nursing homework help

Using proper APA formatting respond to Peer #1 and Peer # 2 Separately by offering suggestions/strategies for working with the database of their choice from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources. (Backup with references)

Peer #1 :Lydia Cole

The Article


I chose the article “Coronavirus Disease 2019-Related Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report”. This particular topic interested me because I currently work in a Neurologic ICU setting. I noticed an increased number of patients developing strokes after being diagnosed with COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic caused catastrophic health emergencies all around the world and to this day is still plaguing the nation. Individuals with covid-19 died, live with residual deficits from infection, or live deficit-free. In this case study, a 70-year-old male presents to the hospital with a covid-19 diagnosis and a left middle cerebral artery infarct. This gentleman had no comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, tobacco, or alcohol use that would’ve precipitated this stroke. The patient quickly deteriorated, leading to hypoxemic respiratory failure and intubation. He also was not eligible for thrombolytic or neuro-interventional therapy. The family eventually withdrew care and made him comfortable (Umar et al., 2020). It is hypothesized that SARS-COV-2 binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme receptors, leading to a cytokine storm and a hypercoagulable state (Umar et al., 2020). The hypercoagulable state leads to clot formation and inevitably ends in a stroke. It intrigues me that a virus like covid-19 can have lasting effects on young, healthy individuals long after the infectious period ends. Nursing homework help

The Database


Throughout our degree program at Walden, it will be vital to know how to find and verify peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. Peer review is a type of academic review where scholars in the specified fields review articles, edit, and publish them for evaluation in varying journals (Walden University Library, n.d.-b). I utilized the ProQuest database to find my article. My difficulty in finding this article was more of a brainstorming issue as opposed to finding a scholarly-peer reviewed article. At first, I didn’t know what to search for. I knew that I wanted to find an article about neurological studies since that pertains to my current field. I initially searched the Cinahl and Medline database but then had difficulty accessing full-text articles as some were not available to Walden.


When searching for my topic, I used Boolean phrases such as stroke OR cerebral vascular accident AND coronavirus OR covid-19. I learned that using Boolean words (AND, OR, NOT) can narrow, expand, or omit items in your research and make it more efficient to find precisely what you’re looking for. I also found it helpful to limit my results when performing my initial search to find what I needed (Walden University Library, n.d.-a). The limits I utilized in my search through ProQuest were full text, peer-reviewed, sourced from scholarly journals, and written in English. By using all these tips, I shortly found my article on the first page of my search list.


I would recommend this database to colleagues and will be using it for future use. ProQuest was very user-friendly, and I had no issues accessing full-text articles. I find it convenient that Walden offers so many different databases for students to conduct their scholarly research. Walden’s online library will be a vital tool in becoming a knowledgeable, successful student. Nursing homework help



Umar, F., Sohaib, S., Sundas, K., Lohano, A. K., & Saurabh, K. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019-Related Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report. Cureus, 12(9)


Walden University Library. (n.d.-a). Instructional media: Fundamental of library research.


Walden University Library. (n.d.-b). Verify peer review: Home.

Peer #2: Brianna Malmborg


Collaboration of Care in Health Prevention


I chose to research the topic of preventative care in primary health, specifically the use of interdisciplinary teams to collaborate on a single patient to ensure a well-rounded healthcare plan. It has been shown that when compared to single-physician practices, patients attending interdisciplinary practices received more preventative care and overall had better health behaviors (Fowler et. al., 2020). This is because they have access to those resources in the same office, as opposed to having to find new care providers outside of their primary practice.


As healthcare continues to evolve and telemedicine becomes more prevalent, the use of interdisciplinary teams will become a necessity. Patients want simplicity when managing their care; the more practices they have to visit for their preventative care, the more likely they are to put off scheduling appointments or even finding a provider in the first place. Collaboration of providers promotes continuity of care and takes the burden off of the patient.




For this assignment, I used my favorite database for scholarly articles: PubMed. I have always found this library easy to navigate, although the search bar takes some practice. PubMed offers an advanced search feature, allowing you to narrow down what you are looking for – that being said, it is not in the simple format that you would use when simply Googling something. You have to string together various phrases and terms, along with Boolean operators, to get to what you are looking for. While it may look intimidating, PubMed handles most of the formatting for you, allowing you to find the articles relevant to your search without much difficulty. You just have to know what you are looking for. Nursing homework help


I absolutely recommend this database, as I believe it is extremely useful when researching scholarly topics. It has thousands of peer-reviewed articles covering just as many subjects, and each article lists its citations so you can delve further into each topic. Academics and practitioners alike can find a vast amount of knowledge to guide their practice, giving them the tools to develop a deeper understanding of healthcare.




Fowler T., Garr D., Mager N. D. P., Stanley J. (2020). Enhancing Primary Care and Preventive Services through Interprofessional Practice and Education. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 9(12).