NURS683 Assignment

NURS683 Assignment

Select a medication that is either classified as an antidepressant or mood stabilizer.

Based on your selection, write a paper (maximum 4 pages) and discuss the following information related to the medication you selected. This does not include the title page and reference page

  • Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses)
  • Off label uses, if any
  • Contraindications, if any to use
  • Mechanism of action
  • Potential side effects
  • Lab monitoring/ follow up
  • Role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the role of prescribing and managing the medication

Include a minimum of 5 evidence-based articles to support your paper that are 5 years old or less (exceptions: DSM-5 and course textbooks). Paper will be submitted through to check for plagiarism. NURS683 Assignment



NURS_683_DE – Week 3 Medication Paper

NURS_683_DE – Week 3 Medication Paper
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedication Information
60 pts


The description of the medication and its EBP uses are accurate and properly cited.

30 pts


The description of the medication and its EBP uses are mostly accurate and properly cited.

15.6 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of EBP treatment options or medication information.

8.4 pts


Missing more than one element of EBP treatment options or medication information.

0 pts


No discussion of EBP treatment options or medication information.

60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOff-label uses; Contraindications
50 pts


The description of off-label uses and possible contraindications are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of off label uses and possible contraindications are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of the description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

0 pts


No discussion description of off label uses and possible contraindications.

50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanism of action; Potential side effects
50 pts


The description of mechanism of action and potential side effects are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of mechanism of action and potential side effects are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the description of mechanism of action and potential side effects.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of the description of mechanism of action and potential side effects.

0 pts


No discussion of the mechanism of action and potential side effects.

50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP
50 pts


The description of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP are accurate and properly cited.

25 pts


The description of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP are mostly accurate and properly cited.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing one element of the lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP.

7 pts


Missing more than one element of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP

0 pts


No discussion of lab monitoring, follow up, and the role of the PMHNP.

50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and APA Style
10 pts


Provides at least 4 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper.

5 pts


Provides at least 3 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. 2-3 APA errors noted.

2.6 pts

Needs Improvement

Provides at least 2 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. 4-5 APA errors noted.

1.4 pts


Provides at least 1 current evidence-based references that support the information in the paper. More than 5 APA errors noted.

0 pts


No references provided to support information. APA formatting is not utilized.

10 pts
Total Points: 220