Preschool Language Development of Early Syntax

SPA 340 Project 1

SPA 340 – Language Development

Project 1: Preschool Language: Development of Early Syntax

Due Date: See Syllabus

Guidelines for answers:

For this assignment you do not need to describe context.

Please use quotes or highlights when you refer to something a child has said within your text. For example, a child may omit a word; you must transcribe sentences exactly as it was said.

Your assignment should be typed. Put your answers in list form, not essay.

· Please underline the portion of a sentence that answers the question.

i.e. Find a contractible auxiliary. ‘I am going to the store later.’

· Please use table format provided for your answers.

· A transcription of Ella and Molly’s conversations will be available for you to use during your analysis.

Children you will be observing on video:

Ella: 21 months

Molly: 2;10


Child 1: Ella 21 months

1. Find one example where Ella clearly imitates her mother’s 3-word utterance. (3 points)

2. Find an utterance where Ella omits a pronoun. What pronoun did Ella omit? (3 points)

3. Find 1 example where Ella produces an utterance with contractible copula. (3 points)

4. Find an utterance that contains a Brown’s Semantic Relation. Write the utterance and state which semantic relation it is. (3 points)

5. Find an utterance that contains an infinitive (not semi-infinitive). (3 points)

6. Find an utterance that contains an uncontractible copula. (3 points)

7. Use the handouts of Brown’s Stages provided to you. Which stage characterizes Ella’s language? Provide at least three points why her language is appropriately characterized by that stage. (6 points)

Child 2: Molly 2;10

8. Find 1 utterance where Molly produces negation. (3 points)

9. Find 1 other utterance where Molly produces negation with irregular third person. (3 points) (This utterance should be different than the example in #8)

10. Molly produces an utterance in which she omits an obligatory ‘to be’ form. Provide the utterance and the name of the form (Brown’s grammatical morpheme). (3 points)

11. Listen for the following morphological structures in Molly’s language. Provide the number of examples requested for each. Give the entire utterance but specify which aspect represents the target utterance. (12 points). 2 examples each of: regular third person, irregular past tense, present progressive tense,

12. Find 2 utterances in which Molly produces subject-auxiliary inversion. One is with a modal (write the modal in italics). (5 points)

13. Find one example in which Molly produces a conjoining sentence (a coordinate conjunction). (5 points)

14. Give an example of Semantics, Morphology, Phonology, Syntax, and Pragmatics in Molly’s conversation. Keep your answers short, but include an example. EXAMPLE of how to write answers: Semantics: use of pronoun “I” (5 points).


Child 1: Ella 21 months
1Find one example where Ellaclearly imitates her mother’s3-word utterance. (3 points)Vans are on.
2Find an utterance where Ellaomits a pronoun.What pronoun did Ella omit?(3 points)(Uh, I/’ll open), I’ll open.(Uh, I/’ll open it), I’ll open it.
3Find 1 example where Ellaproduces an utterance withcontractible copula. (3 points)That/’s [concop] a song man.
4Find an utterance thatcontains a Brown’s Semantic Relation. Write the utterance.State which semantic relation it is. (3 points)
5Find an utterance thatcontains an infinitive (not semi-infinitive). (3 points)I want to see that monkey.
6Find an utterance thatcontains an uncontractible copula. (3 points)Those are[unconcop]Ruthie/’z wipe/s.
7Use the handouts of Brown’sStages provided to you. Which stage characterizes Ella’s language?Provide at least three points why her language is appropriately characterized by that stage. (6 points)Stage:1.2.3.
Child 2: Molly 2;10
8Find 1 utterance where Mollyproduces negation. (3 points)No, ribbit.
9Find 1 other utterance whereMolly produces negation with irregular third person. (3 points) This utterance should be different than the example in #8(He doesn’t) This part doesn’t work.
10Molly produces an utterancein which she omits an obligatory ‘to be’ form. Provide the utterance and the name of the form (Brown’s grammatical morpheme). (3 points)Utterance:Brown’s grammatical morpheme code:
11Listen for the followingmorphological structures in Molly’s language. Provide the number of examples requested for each. Give the entire utterance but specify which word represents the target utterance. (12 points)Regular Third Person1. He wants another flavor.2. He says he likes, he likes orange.Irregular Past Tense1. I gave this one to Duky, monkey gets his and I gave that one to the horsey.2. He fell.Present Progressive –ing1. The baby’s going to eat.2.Hey, it keeps moving
12Find 2 utterances in whichMolly produces subject-auxiliary inversion. One is with a modal (write modal in italics). (5 points)1.2.
13Find one example in whichMolly produces a conjoining sentence (a coordinate conjunction). (5 points)1.2.