The culture and expectations of an organization impact on the structure of the selection process

The culture and expectations of an organization impact on the structure of the selection process

The Selection Process

The process involved with selecting the “right” employee will differ depending on the requirements of the job. In addition, the culture and expectations of an organization will have great impact on the structure of the selection process. Where one health care setting might require applicants to participate in group interviews, another might use personality tests. In addition, the qualities for which interviewers look might also vary, ranging from a personality focus to a skills focus.

In this Assignment, you investigate the selection process that is used in a health care organization with which you are familiar. You also identify the expectations of both human resources and the nurse manager in terms of selection.

To prepare

  • Review Chapter 6, “Selecting New Employees” in the course text, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development, to examine the various selection processes health care settings and other organizations may employ. In addition, reflect upon the three types of “fit” nurse managers should take into consideration when selecting new employees. The culture and expectations of an organization impact on the structure of the selection process
  • Identify a position that is open or has recently been filled in your organization.
  • Using what you know about the position, the culture and expectations of the organization, your own hiring and selection experiences, and this week’s readings, investigate the following:
    • Identify the selection steps that have been or will be taken, as well as the members involved. For example, which steps did human resources complete? In which steps did the nursing manager engage?
    • Identify the skills, educational and work background, and “fit” required for this position. How do these align with the advertised job description?
    • Identify any problems or areas that could be improved in your organization’s current selection process. If you were the nurse manager, how would you modify this process?

Note:If possible, you may also choose to discuss these ideas with an HR professional or nurse manager in your organization.

To complete

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Briefly describe the selection process used in your setting.
    • Identify the team members involved in conducting each step. For example, explain which steps HR performs and which steps managers perform.
      • Explain how effective you believe the current system is.
      • Briefly describe any problems (e.g., rushing, stereotyping, “like me” syndrome, halo and horn effect, premature selection) your setting has experienced with this current selection system (if applicable).
      • Explain how you would modify the process and why. The culture and expectations of an organization impact on the structure of the selection process
  • Identify the job title for the open or recently filled position.
    • Describe the skills and background a desirable applicant would have.
    • Describe the type of “fit” that would make this applicant the “right” person for this specific job.
  • Compare the job description with the expectations of the position.
    • Explain whether or not the job description aligns with the skills, background, and “fit” needed to excel in this position.
    • Explain the specific attributes or characteristics you, as the nurse manager responsible for selecting a candidate for the position, might seek that are not specifically outlined in the job description. Describe how you could you elicit this information during an interview.

Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2016). Human resource management: Functions, applications, & skill development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Chapter 4, “Matching Employees and Jobs: Job Analysis and Design” (pp. 120–160)This chapter discusses the importance of matching applicants with the “right” jobs. It highlights topics such as job analysis, job design, and job redesign.

Chapter 5, “Recruiting Job Candidates” (pp. 192–230)Chapter 5 provides an in-depth examination of recruitment best practices. It explores recruitment considerations and challenges along with internal and external factors that can impact recruitment efforts.

Chapter 6, “Selecting New Employees” (pp. 194–226)This chapter explains selection processes that are commonly used to find qualified employees. The authors share many techniques used by HR professionals and nurse managers to select the “right” employee for the job. The culture and expectations of an organization impact on the structure of the selection process

Markey, L., & Tingle, C. (2012). Screening RNs: A change in hiring practice. Nursing Management, 43(2), 13–15.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article discusses the process of hiring to fill a nursing position, with a focus on Baton Rouge General Medical Center (BRGMC). At BRGMC, the interview process has one new addition: behavioral screenings for potential RNs. With this new aspect, interviewees are screened for behavior in clinical practice scenarios, equipment recognition, and skills demonstration.