Comparative analysis of contemporary leadership approaches

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Perform a comparative analysis of five contemporary leadership approaches, including:

o Situational leadership

o Transactional leadership

o Transformational leadership

o Servant leadership

Use the Contemporary Leadership Matrix in Appendix B of the Example Paper to compare each approach on the following domains:


o Description

o Primary characteristics

o Strengths

o Criticisms

o Discipline-specific applications

Submit the Example Paper with:

o a properly formatted title page,

o the revised Historical Leadership section, Comparative analysis of contemporary leadership approaches

o properly formatted references,

o the matrix from Week 1 in Appendix A, and

o the matrix on Contemporary Leadership in Appendix B. 

Discussions 1


II. Working with others

  B. Leadership and Team Skills

      1. What’s my leadership style?

2.    What was your score on the “concern for people” and “concern for task” dimensions of the What’s my Leadership Style Assessment? Explain how your score promotes or fails to promote effective leadership. What can you do to be more effective as a leader?

3.    In your daily work life, what leadership strengths or talents do you rely on most? What is the result or outcome of using these strengths?

Discussions 2

This activity centers on one of the most prominent leaders in the world: the US president.

1) Using chapters 4-11 of Northouse, choose the leadership style you believe best characterizes President Trump.

2) Discuss and substantiate your choice with examples of his behavior you believe are best aligned with your choice. Include two additional peer-reviewed sources to your remarks.

· Caution! This is an exercise in critical thinking, not political proselytizing.

· Avoid emotional statements aimed at forwarding a political cause – or starting inappropriate political bantering.

· Stick with your sources to substantiate your claim. You can add substantiating links via video messages if you like. Comparative analysis of contemporary leadership approaches