Discussion Dynamics In Nursing

Discussion Dynamics In Nursing

The nurse-patient relationship is by many considered the core of nursing. In this paper, a synthesized theory on the dynamics of that relationship is introduced from the patient’s perspective. It is described as a dynamic lived reality characterized by a sense of spiritual connection which is experienced as a bond of energy. The highest quality of this connection is the life-giving nurse-patient relationship which is greatly empowering for the patient. The prerequisites for the development of the nurse-patient relationship are perceived nurse caring, wisdom and competence in connecting with people. The dialectic nature of this relationship is discussed as well as the six main phases in the nurse-patient relationship development. Discussion Dynamics In Nursing



Power is a complex and extensive concept in nursing, which has a decisive impact on the accomplishment of duties, satisfaction and achievement of professional goals. Explaining the concept of power in nursing from the perspective of nurses and accessing its various dimensions may result in a better understanding of this issue.


This study was aimed to explore the concept of power in nursing, using the views and experiences of Iranian nurses.

Materials and Methods

This study was a qualitative research which used a content analysis approach. Participants were selected from among nurses active in clinical, management, and educational practices using the purposive sampling method. Data were collected using a semi-structured individual interview. The results were obtained by analysing the data using an inductive approach and the constant comparison method. Discussion Dynamics In Nursing


The participants of this study regarded the power of nursing as a positive concept and the issue of power in nursing consisted of three classes, the genesis with the subclasses of “being purposeful”, “being under the shadow of the profession nature”, “being dependent on the source”, strengthening with the subclasses of “being emotional and introverted”, “being formed in the context of professional communication”, “fluidity and flowing”, and the evolution with the subclasses “based on human values”, and “being a tool for professional excellence”.


The concept of power in nursing can be considered a purposeful issue based on the nurses’ viewpoint which flourishes in the context of human, moral and caring nature of the nursing profession. According to its dependence on the nature of profession and on the basis of professional communication, Power of nursing grows with a fluidlike flowing structure, linked with human values, reaches maturity and results in outcomes such as improving the quality of care and professional excellence.

Keywords: Health occupations, Professional communication, Professional autonomy, Quality of health care Discussion Dynamics In Nursing