social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality
TERM PAPER. (150 Points) You will write an 8-10 page paper on a social problem related to race, class, gender and/or sexuality. Your topic must be cleared with me by the 2nd week in the term (see the schedule for deadlines). You must use at least 10 peer-reviewed sources for your paper. Your paper must be in APA format.
The outline is worth 25 points. The rough draft is worth 25 points. The final paper is worth 100 points. Your rough draft should contain all of the references you intend to use for the final paper on a reference page. All references should be in APA format. If you are not sure how to cite using APA, please go to the Purdue Owl APA site.
Step 1: Draft an outline and submit for approval
Step 2: Identify sources
Step 3: Write a rough draft
Step 4: Review your draft and revise
Step 5: Submit final draft
Term papers should contain the following:
1) Introduction
2) Description of the specific problem
3) Causes of the problem
4) Consequences of the problem
5) A review of policies/interventions that have attempted or propose to solve the problem
6) An evaluation (done by you) of how well the policies/interventions have addressed the problem
7) Conclusion
Don’t forget to:
1)provide your name on your paper
2)provide a title for your paper
3)organize your paper, don’t just write ten pages of work without any subheadings.
4)All papers must be double-spaced, proofread for spelling and grammatical errors, stapled, in 12- point font with page numbers.
5)Make sure you vary your choice of words. In other words, do not start each sentence with the same words or use the same word too much.
6)Support your position or argument with material from your articles.
7)You should cite your resources all the way through your papers! If you are unclear about when a citation is needed. Consult Purdue Owl if you are unsure how to cite APA syle.
8) Don’t cheat! The consequences are severe. Ask for help.
Term paper will be due the 8th week in the term. A late penalty of 10% per day will be applied to work submitted past the due date and time. Term papers submitted after the Monday in the 9th week of classes will not be accepted. If you have an extreme circumstance, please contact me.