Grading Criteria for Clinical Case Decisions


Grading Criteria for Clinical Case Decisions:

The highest potential points for each Clinical Case Decision Question are 15-points.  Students are required to upload their response as a word document attachment to the assignment drop box.

Each uploaded response is worth a possible 15 points.

  1. Your comments should be substantiated and substantive. Postings require two citations from 1 scholarly journal and/or 1 outside textbook. Textbooks assigned to this course may be used for an additional citation only.   
  2. Each of the two references must be from a different reference source.
  3. To gain full credit for the assignment, the response must be a full page, but no more than three (3) pages in length, which includes the reference list.
  4. Students are required to use APA format, proper citations, and references.  Students using direct quotes from referenced sources in the body of the paper must include quotations.
  5. Students will be assigned to a question.

Clinical Decision Cases

Begin with a Head-Toe assessment, you decide if it should be treated as episodic with rationale.

You have been assigned two (2) cases to provide analysis. All cases should include the following

a. Pathophysiology and pharmacology of the disease

b. Expected signs and symptoms of the disease.

c. Nursing Diagnosis with a plan of care.

C3. Mrs. Muller is a 78-year-old homemaker who arrives in the emergency department with a history of chest discomfort and indigestion two days ago that lasted about 12 hours. She was severely fatigued after this and within the past 2 hours has become increasingly short of breath. Her initial ECG shows that she recently experienced an anterior AMI. Her skin is cold, and she is very diaphoretic and cyanotic. She is diagnosed with acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock. 

a. What will be the intent of her management, and what will be included in her management plan?

C4. John lacerates his radial artery while cutting a bagel. He loses approximately one-fourth of his blood volume before arriving at the hospital. 

a. What physiological responses do you expect in response to this blood loss?