Leadership Laws


This assignment is intended to introduce different ethical principles individuals’ value.  This will be observed from a Christian perspective.  Also ethical terminology will be reviewed or introduced.

Upon successful completion of this assignment you should be able to: 

  • Define ethical terms
  • Compare and contrast the difference between basic ethics and dilemma ethics.
  • Identify the Leadership Laws as described by Maxwell and Elmore needed to create sound policy.


  • Website: “Teaching the Virtues” by Christina Hoff Somners:  http://forerunner.com/forerunner/X0116_Teaching_the_Virtues.html
  • Textbook: Maxwell leadership Bible
  • Textbook: Rae Moral Choices
  • File:  Ethical Vocabulary List
  • PowerPoint:  Ethical Decision Making


  1. View the Ethical Decision Making PowerPoint.
  2. Read the essay “Teaching the Virtues” by Christina Hoff Somners at http://forerunner.com/forerunner/X0116_Teaching_the_Virtues.html
  3. Review three Leadership Laws from the Maxwell Leadership Bible (2007). An Index for the Leadership Laws can be found in the back of your Bible. Consider your own personal and professional growth as you decide which laws to review.
  4. Review/ define the ethics vocabulary list found as an attachment in course materials under workshop one. Be prepared to apply the ethical theories and principles to discussions and assignments throughout the course. We need to understand and speak the language of ethics as we participate in ethical discussions.
  5. Review the PowerPoint on ethical decision making models.
  6. Access at least two of the following or other ethical resources online:
    1. Potter Box
    2. Decision Model Based on Moral Development Theory (Kristen Alley Swain)
    3. Hasted’s Bioethical Decision Making Model
    4. Kohlberg & Gilligan
    5. The President’s Council on Bioethics
    6. World Transhumanis Association
    7. American Society of Bioethics and Humanities
    8. NCBC The National Catholic Bioethics Center
    9. Six Step Ethical Decision Making Model
  7. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
    1. Post a two or three paragraph summary of your thoughts/ideas on this material and the integration of personal ethics with organizational and public ethics. 
    2. Compare and contrast the difference between basic ethics and dilemma ethics.
    3. Review of leadership laws
  8. Your initial post is due by the fifth day of the workshop.
  9. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings and any questions you are asked in your initial post by the end of the workshop.
  10. Use this material as you respond to various discussions and prepare work during the remainder of the course.