Question 1. Question :

The goals of therapy when prescribing HRT include reducing:

Cardiovascular risk

Risk of stroke or other thromboembolic event

Breast cancer risk

Vasomotor symptoms

Question 2. Question :

Patients who have angina, regardless of class, who are also diabetic should be on:


Beta blockers

ACE inhibitors

Calcium channel blockers

Question 3. Question :

The New York Heart Association and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society have described grading criteria for levels of angina. Angina that occurs with unusually strenuous activity or on walking or climbing stair after meals is:

Class I

Class II

Class III

Class IV

Question 4. Question :

Patients with allergic rhinitis may benefit from a prescription of:

Fluticasone (Flonase)

Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

OTC cromolyn nasal spray (Nasalcrom)

Any of the above

Question 5. Question :

Kyle has Crohn’s disease and has a documented folate deficiency. Drug therapy for folate deficiency anemia is:

Oral folic acid 1 to 2 mg/day

Oral folic acid 1 gm/day

IM folate weekly for at least six months

Oral folic acid 400 mcg daily

Question 6. Question :

The treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency is:

1,000 mcg daily of oral cobalamin

2 gm/day of oral cobalamin

100 mcg/day vitamin B12 IM

500 mcg/dose nasal cyanocobalamin two sprays once a week

Question 7. Question :

Nonadherence is especially common in drugs that treat asymptomatic conditions, such as hypertension. One way to reduce the likelihood of nonadherence to these drugs is to prescribe a drug that:

Has a short half-life so that missing one dose has limited effect

Requires several dosage titrations so that missed doses can be replaced with lower doses to keep costs down

Has a tolerability profile with less of the adverse effects that are considered “irritating,” such as nausea and dizziness

Must be taken no more than twice a day

Question 8. Question :

Type II diabetes is a complex disorder involving:

Absence of insulin production by the beta cells

A suboptimal response of insulin-sensitive tissues in the liver

Increased levels of GLP in the postprandial period

Too much fat uptake in the intestine

Question 9. Question :

Metformin is a primary choice of drug to treat hyperglycemia in type II diabetes because it:

Substitutes for insulin usually secreted by the pancreas

Decreases glycogenolysis by the liver

Increases the release of insulin from beta cells

Decreases peripheral glucose utilization

Question 10. Question :

Gender differences between men and women in pharmacokinetics include:

More rapid gastric emptying so that drugs absorbed in the stomach have less exposure to absorption sites

Higher proportion of body fat so that lipophilic drugs have relatively greater volumes of distribution

Increased levels of bile acids so that drugs metabolized in the intestine have higher concentrations

Slower organ blood flow rates so that drugs tend to take longer to be excreted