You have learned about the various environmental issues, including physical, chemical and biological agents that impact our health.

Based on your understanding of the environmental issues, create a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:

  • Examine the regulatory agencies related to your chosen environmental agent? What is the role of these agencies?
  • Discuss the environmental standards related to your chosen agent? How will these standards decrease the hazards in your local community?
  • Analyze the factors (such as physical, cognitive, behavioral, financial, and emotional) that can influence your chosen environmental issue. Describe the impact of your chosen environmental issue on a diverse population. Support using examples.
  • Evaluate the ways in which the environmental issue will impact the involved staff. Also, discuss how different staff will be involved to deal with the issue. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ISSUES


Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

Pesticides have a broad application, including their use in occupational and nonoccupational settings. Many pesticides have been linked to adverse health effects, and as a result, have been banned from use.

Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on episodes of exposure to pesticides that caused adverse health outcomes in humans. Choose one episode and respond to the following questions:

  • What are the health effects that the pesticide exposure caused in humans?
  • What are the steps that could have been taken to prevent the adverse health outcomes from occurring?
  • What are the changes required in the existing law that could discourage the reoccurrence of such exposures?
  • Apart from law enforcement, what are the other ways to prevent future occurrences of such episodes?
  • Explain the association between exposure to pesticides and health effects ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ISSUES
  • please cite sources