Strict deadline. 250-300 word minimum per question. Sources must be APA format. No plagiarism.
1. Explain how a phonetically spelled pronunciation guide would aid you to pronounce medical words or phrases correctly. Give at least 3 examples of medical words that would have a different meaning if pronounced incorrectly. What negative effects could take place mispronouncing these 3 words have on patients? RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
2. Describe the major organs within the respiratory system, how they work together to perform the major functions of the system, and at least 2 illnesses related to the system.
What are your variant characteristics of culture?
How has each one influenced you and your world view?
How has your world view changed as your variants characteristics have changed
As stated in the syllabus assignment must be presented in an APA format using the required arial 12 font. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references, 2 posting/replies to any of your peers with the appropriate references to sustained your point of view and a minimum of 500 words are required (excluding the first and last page). Posting like “good job or I’m agree” will not be counting toward the grade. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM