T and F1. More recently, nutrition programs have begun offering medical nutrition therapy for older adults who are nutritionally at risk or malnourished

. 2. Home-delivered meal programs have shown that recipients have more physical limitations, are less socially isolated, and have similar incomes than those who attend congregate meal programs

3. Lack of private transportation makes shopping assistance an important service under the Older Americans Act program.

4. Home-delivered meals in most communities are provided by government agencies funded under the OAA.

5. The Seniors Farmer Market program provides coupons to low-income elders, aged 60 and older, with incomes not greater than 185% of the federal poverty rate. NUTRITION PROJECT

 6. Older adults who lack an understanding about what constitutes a legal problem or how laws originate may not be able to identify that a legal remedy exists when problems occur 

7. Under the OAA legislation, congregate meal programs were required to provide at least one hot meal five or more days a week in a congregate setting, adult day program, or multigenerational site including in rural areas and where it is deemed feasible.

 8. Home-delivered meal participants are a more frail and at-risk population than those who attend congregate meal programs.

9. Elder abuse includes physical, psychological, and financial abuse as well as neglect

10. Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a service in place that assists low-income older adults over 60 years of age.

11. Personal care tasks, commonly referred to as activities of daily living (ADLs), include tasks such as bathing and grooming, toileting, dressing, and eating.

12. Home-management activities, or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), include tasks such as shopping and preparing meals, doing housework, and handling personal finances. NUTRITION PROJECT

13. Chronic conditions vary across different populations of older adults. Older women are more likely than older men to suffer from chronic arthritis, hypertension, incontinence and asthma

14. The older population is at one point or another affected by one or more chronic conditions, regardless of race and ethnicity 

15. The disparities in health can be associated to the social economic status of the different groups rather than on their ethnic or racial status.

1 point each x 15 = 15 points

Multiple Choices1. For both the congregate and home-delivered programs the following is true EXCEPTa) Services must be targeted at persons with the greatest social and economic need, b) Attention should be given to low-income older persons, including low-income minority older persons, c) Older persons with limited English proficiency, d) Older persons residing in urban areas

      2.  Per the CDC, the top 5 chronic conditions for Hispanics are: 

a) cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, stroke and diabetes

b) chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, cancer, unintentional injuries and diabetes

c) chronic lower respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, unintentional injuries and cancer

3. The following is true;a) As the percentage of persons in the oldest-old category increases, the need for home-delivered meals may increase.b) Changes in the delivery of health care have an impact on nutrition programs. c) Programs will be challenged to serve the underserved population in an era of shrinking public and private dollarsd) A and Ce) All the above NUTRITION PROJECT


4. In accordance with the Older Americans Act each Title III Nutritional program, the program must provide the following Except:a) Meals must have a minimum of one third of the recommended daily allowances b) Meals must be prepared with the advice of dietitians. c) Services should include nutrition screening, nutrition education, nutrition assessment, and counseling. d) Participants must live independently.

       5. Per the CDC, the top 5 chronic conditions for African           Americans are: 

a)  Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and unintentional injuries.  

b) Kidney disease, heart disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, diabetes and unintentional injuries 

c) Heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and unintentional injuries. 

d) Kidney disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and unintentional injuries 

   6. The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program a) Was established through the 2008 Farm Bill to increase the consumption of agricultural commodities b) The purpose of the SFMNP is to provide fresh, nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from farmers’ markets and roadside standsc) The program is aiding in the development and expansion of domestic farmers’ markets and roadside stands d) All the above

7. Title III Part F: ‘Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services” of the Older Americans Act is designed to enhance the well-being of older adults and includes the following services except

a) Health risk assessments, routine health screening, Nutrition counseling and education and Alcohol and substance abuse, smoking cessation, 

b) Health risk assessment, weight loss, stress management, smoking cessation, routine health screening and physical fitness

c) Physical fitness, group exercise, music therapy, art therapy, dance movements, Health risk assessment and Nutrition counseling 

d) Home injury control services education, Medication management, Information about age related diseases

e) All the above services are included, there are no exceptions.

8. To ensure food insecure seniors have access to nutritional meals the following are some recommendations:

a) Enlist the help of local churches to donate non-perishable goods to seniors  

b) Contribute monetary donation and time to local food banks to assist with the distribution of meals

c) Educate seniors on the importance of health and wellness

d) All the above

9. The Elder Justice Act (EJA) includes a comprehensive array of initiatives except 

a) Mandates the establishment of an advisory council (federal Elder Justice Coordinating Council) to provide recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding the best coordination mechanisms throughout all levels of government to prevent elderly abuse.  NUTRITION PROJECT

B)  Requires formation of an advisory board responsible to develop strategic plans to assure elder justice.

C) Background check for those who have direct contact with elders in long term care facilities 

D) Creates the Ombudsman program to protect elders in Nursing Homes

10.  The Older Americans Act provide services for caregivers. The following is the list of services this title provides excepta) Assistance in gaining access to private pay servicesb) Individual counselingc) Respite cared) Supplemental services, including housing improvement, chore, provision of medical supplies and servicese) Legal assistance for caregivers, grandparents or older individuals who are caregivers for relatives.f) B and E

2 points each x 10 = 20 points

Essay questions1) Administration on Aging (AoA) has been instrumental in supporting initiatives designed to enhance the well-being of older adults.  Discuss these efforts. 2) Discuss the difference among: Food banks,Brown Bags and Senior Farmers Market.3) The Elder Justice Act (EJA), subtitle H of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, passed into law in 2010, supports initiatives designed to protect vulnerable elders. Please discuss what the initiatives are included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to enhance services to elders.4) Title III, the largest program under the Older Americans Act, authorizes could you explain and discuss what this title covers.5) If you are a resident in a Nursing Home or in an Assisted Living Facility how can the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman help you? NUTRITION PROJECT