Discuss the lifespan considerations of the person and the psychosocial impact the lifelong condition has on their life and their family

Multiple sclerosis (2500 words) Task One (10%) • Introduce the person, their social circumstances and their life-long condition. • Provide an overview of the current impact of the illness on the person in their daily life Task Two (20%) Learning Outcomes 1,2 & 4 • Describe the typical onset, pathophysiology and potential illness trajectory of your person’s life-long condition. • Discuss the lifespan considerations of the person and the psychosocial impact the lifelong condition has on their life and their family/whanau • Support your discussion with relevant health professional literature Task Three (20%) Learning Outcome 1 & 3 • Describe the multi-disciplinary team roles involved in supporting this person to manage their life-long condition • Identify and discuss the nursing care needs of your person appropriate to the present stage of their condition • Support your discussion with relevant health professional literature Task Four (40%) Learning Outcome 2, 3, & 4 Consider three current health issues this person has identified and imagine you are the nurse working most closely with your person. • Define nursing partnership in the New Zealand context and discuss the benefits of a partnership role between the nurse and your person at their current stage of the illness trajectory • Discuss some specific nursing strategies that you will implement to address these three health issues, demonstrating nursing partnership with your person to develop individualised and person-centred care • Support your discussion with relevant nursing literature Scholarly presentation and Referencing (10%) Weighting Category Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score 10% Task One : Introduction to case study including: Identified lifelong condition and current impact on person. Maintains confidentiality Introduction contains none or one of the required elements. Confidentiality not maintained 0 2 Introduction contains the two required elements and confidentiality is maintained. 3 5 Introduction contains all the required elements. Limited discussion of identified elements 6 8 Introduction contains all the required elements. Thorough discussion of the identified elements 9 10 250 WORDS 10% Task Two: Description of • lifelong condition • onset pathophysiology • potential illness trajectory • lifespan consideration of the person Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Description of the psychosocial impact of the condition on the subject of the case study and their family/whanau Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of relevant health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Task Three: Description of the MDT management appropriate to the stage of the condition Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No Support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of relevant health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Identification of the nursing care needs of the person appropriate to their stage of their condition Description of appropriate nursing care needs is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant nursing literature 0 2 Limited description of nursing care needs of the person. Limited support from nursing literature. 3 1 5 Developed description of appropriate nursing care. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of appropriate nursing care. Supported by a range of relevant nursing literature. 9 10 250 20% Task Four: Discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the subject of the case study and the nurse Discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and the subject of the case study is absent or inadequate. No supporting nursing literature included. 0 5 Limited discussion of the benefits of the partnership roles between the nurse and the subject of the case study. Limited support from relevant nursing literature. 6 9 10 Developed discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and subject of the case study. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 11 15 In-depth discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and the subject of the case study. Strong support from a range of nursing literature. 16 20 500 20% Discussion of specific strategies you as the nurse will implement relating to the 3 health issues identified to demonstrate person-centred care Discussion of nursing strategies related to three or less identified health issues is inadequate. No supporting nursing literature 0 5 Limited discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Limited support from nursing literature 6 10 Developed discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 11 15 In-depth discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Strong support from a range of relevant nursing literature . 16 20 500 10 % Scholarly presentation and referencing consistent with APA 6th edition requirements Sentences are not well constructed. Frequent grammatical and spelling errors. Repeated errors in APA referencing technique. 0 2 Most sentences are well constructed. Some grammatical and spelling errors evident. Several errors in referencing technique. 3 5 Sentences are well constructed. Minor errors in grammar and spelling and APA referencing technique 6 8 Excellent sentence construction, grammar and spelling. Referencing fully complies with APA requirements. 9 10 Consent form from case study subject supplied Yes / No Confidentiality maintained throughout Yes / No SUB-TOTAL