Exposure analysis is a branch of environmental science that is concerned with the activities that occur between contaminated environment and organisms of interest (Ott and Steinemann

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Defining Problems and Their Context.not recognize that they are exposed to latent environmental and health problems and they only get to know of this exposure after it affects them directly.One of the reasons why many people tend not to realize some of the latent problems that surround them is lack of awareness (Tickner, 2003). For many people, water that comes from the tap is safe for drinking as long as it is clear. There is need to create awareness among members of the public about some of the underlying environmental and health problems that they are exposed to. By bridging the existing information gap, people will have much of the information they need in order to evaluate some of the risks to their health and wellbeing. This is the best way to empower communities to live healthy lives and keep their environment safe. According to Tickner (2003), identifying the latent environmental and health problems will help minimize environmental degradation and also reduce the number of human health issues that emanate from the risks involved.Exposure analysis is a branch of environmental science that is concerned with the activities that occur between contaminated environment and organisms of interest (Ott and Steinemann, 2007). In other words exposure analysis is an evaluation of the process by which a population contacts some form of contamination. The purpose of this analysis is to identify how contaminants enter into the human body system so as to find ways to minimize the effects of such a contamination. Exposure analysts normally try to find out the source of a particular contaminant and they use the results to minimize any adverse health outcomes (Dederick, 2008).Exposure analysis is important as it enables people to know what they can do in order to reduce their exposure to contaminants that may cause adverse health effects (Ott and Steinemann, 2007). For instance, an exposure analysis done on a nuclear plant can help in the identification of latent and obvious health risks of r individuals