What evidence do you have from your community to specify the health issue and focus population for this program?

NURBN2009: Health Promotion and Illness Prevention – Healthcare Assignment

Part 1:

According to women health, east 65% of lung cancer cases in women are caused by smokingcigarettes.it has continued to rise among women
with the rate of death increases by 56% the between the year 1992-2012 and it has been anticipated that lung cancer rates will continue to rise. Therefore to prevent the lung cancer we need to control smoking rates. According to Monash LGA profile of vic health indicator
survey 2015 Results, 10.8% residents of the city of Monash are current smokers which is not significantly different from the Victorian estimate. In Victorian health population health survey 2014, it has been declared that 6.6% of Monash population smokes daily and 4.2% smokes occasionally. However, in Eastern metropolitan area, there are a total of 13% of the population who are current smokers and 9% of this population are younger adult females between the age group of 18 to 24. Therefore, the focus population of this health issue program will be the adult females because, in the Monash, there are 4.8% females of age group 18-24 are current smokers.


What evidence do you have from your community to specify the health issue and focus population for this program?

Part 2:

Due to highest rates of smoking in Monash, Health and wellbeing partnership plan of the city of Monash introduced the strategic framework in which they have listed smoking as a big problem and priorities it under active and healthy Monash. To promote the prevention of smoking the council of the city is promoting The local law No. 4 and 3A, which prohibits the smoking inside 10 meters of buildings or council – lands such as playgrounds, and sponsored events. – Advocating and supporting the state government legislation to ban smoking in outdoor area and children sporting events. Even though there are so many policies and strategies that are developed to limit the use of tobacco but there are fewer numbers of programmes which concentrate on educating the community and women need more education regarding consequences of smoking.


Are there any existing programs/policies etc., already addressing this issue in this community? If so, what are they and are they being effective?