Significant concerns confronting Australian society are the inequities in health between socioeconomic

HLSC 120 Reflective Assignment Topics 2017
Topic 1
Significant concerns confronting Australian society are the inequities in health between
socioeconomic (SES) groups which result in lower SES groups having significantly higher rates of
morbidity and mortality at an earlier age. Follow Table 1 to apply the SI template to analyse the
construction of this problem for a disadvantaged group in Australia and reflect on the social model of
health to reduce these inequities.
Topic 2
A significant concern confronting society both in Australia and internationally is the use of illicit and
recreational substances which in turn cause significant health issues and community apprehension.
Follow Table 2 to apply the SI template to analyse the construction of this problem and reflect on
strategies from the social model of health that could reduce this concern from a sociological
perspective.Document Preview:

HLSC120: Society, Culture and Health; Semester 1 2017 Assessment Task 1: Reflective Writing Proforma Weighting of unit = 40% Word limit 1750 words th Due Date: Friday 7 April 2100 hours Follow this proforma and Table 1 for topic 1 or Table 2 for topic 2 (below) to organise your response to the reflective writing assessment task (this is not an academic essay). Use the steps as headings and write in paragraphs below the headings. Check the following link to online Academic Skills Unit resources and/or see an Academic Skills Advisor for assistance with reflective writing: Writing at ACU: Reflective writing All sources should be referenced using APA style. Ensure that you use all the factors from the SI template to complete this reflective writing task. Step 1 Carefully choose one topic from the Reflective Writing Topic 1 or 2 below to guide your reflection. Write the question here: Step 2 Use the sociological imagination (SI) template to reflect on your feelings, thoughts and behaviours in response to knowledge, experiences and observations in relation to your chosen question from Step 1. (500 words) Step 3 Continue reflective writing using the SI template to answer the original question you identified in Step 1, using Germov (2104) and a minimum of at least six other academic sources (e.g. journal articles, research reports from the HLSC120 e Modules) to support your answer. Locate these academic sources through your own information search. Analyse how these resources helped you to expand and deepen your original reflections on this topic. (1000 words) Step 4 Finally, explain how answering this question has helped you to achieve one of the four ACU Graduate attributes aligned with HLSC120 by reflecting and critically analysing your thoughts and feelings about the original question based on your research. (250 words) 1HLSC 120 Reflective Assignment…