Describes challenges when working with partner and possible solutions Sets future goals in collaboration with partner

Please give this work to Dr Vidhya Bhushan Mishra

Reflection Questions #3Near the end of completing your service-learning experience for this quarter, choose one of the following questions and reflect:

1. What have you learned about your community partner site and health disparities?

  1. What prevention services, if available, would improve the health of the population served by your community organization?
  2. Would the clients be likely to take advantage of these services? (why or why not?)
  3. What influences whether someone will take advantage of health services?

2. Discuss what justice/social change means to you within a health context, and how do you see it playing out or not playing out at your service organization?

a. What does it mean to be a socially responsible nurse?

b. How have you been challenged to think and act differently as a nursing student? As an individual? Give an example.Document Preview:

Journal Reflection ? 1 ? 2 ? 3Strong (5)Average (4)Weak (3)Not Completed (0)Answered the required questions in sufficient depth. Fully meets requirements of assignment. Explores implications of chosen ideas. Makes a convincing case for why selected key ideas connect.Fully meets requirements of assignment. Explores implications of chosen ideas. Does not address some of the assignment Superficially answers Both or only one of the questionsDoes not address the assignmentLinked Course Content and Community Service Experience Fully meets requirements of assignment. Explores implications of chosen ideas. Makes a convincing case for why selected key ideas connect. Integrates course content Uses evidence-based references Fully meets the requirements but does not exceed them Integrates course content Uses evidence-based references Does not address some of the assignment – minor, superficial links to course content and experienceDoes not address the assignmentDemonstrated Self-Awareness Summarizes experience with community partner. Describes challenges when working with partner and possible solutions Sets future goals in collaboration with partner Discusses observations and/or interactions in the context of the author’s own world-view Also links reflection to theories discussed in class.Summarizes experience with community partner. Describes challenges when working with partner and possible solutions Sets future goals in collaboration with partner Discusses observations and/or interactions in the context of the author’s own world-viewSuperficially summarizes experience with community partner Does not summarize experience with community partner Conclusion Fully meets the requirements as well as developing a lead for future reflections. Fully meets the requirements but does not exceed themDoes not address some of the assignmentDoes not address the assignmentGraduate Level…