Individual Rights in Health Care

Unit: Individual Rights in Health Care

Due Date: Sun, 6/3/18

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Assignment Description

Health care organizations are required to follow specific policies. Failure to comply may result in financial restitution, further investigation, and even closure of the health care organization. With information from your previous work, discuss possible recommendations of your selected national or state health care policy. Also include a conclusion that summarizes your paper. Your paper should be reviewed for previous comments and edited as necessary to prepare for the development of your final draft.

Select a national or state health care policy that is currently in effect. This policy will be used to complete your research paper in the final week of the course. In preparation for your final research paper, you will complete weekly tasks related to the policy you have chosen.

Complete 1–2 pages in Word on the following:

  • Choose your national or state health care policy.
  • Recommendations (100–200 words)
    • There should be 2–3 recommendations regarding the specific policy.
    • Thinking outside of the box is permitted with recommendations because this is a proposed study and has not been approved for actual research.
    • Recommendations should be supported with evidence-based research or other factual data.
  • Conclusion (200–400 words)
    • This should summarize the entire paper.
    • A brief discussion on the problem, purpose, and research questions should be present.

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Type: Individual Project- DOCTORAL LEVEL WORK Unit:  Individual Rights in Health Care Due Date:  Sun, 6/3/18 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible:  100  Assignment Description- PLEASE CHECK WORK FOR PLAGILISM AND CITE REFERENCES PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED. Health care organizations are required to follow specific policies. Failure to comply may result in financial restitution, further investigation, and even closure of the health care organization. With information from your previous work, discuss possible recommendations of your selected national or state health care policy. Also include a conclusion that summarizes your paper. Your paper should be reviewed for previous comments and edited as necessary to prepare for the development of your final draft. Select a national or state health care policy that is currently in effect. This policy will be used to complete your research paper in the final week of the course. In preparation for your final research paper, you will complete weekly tasks related to the policy you have chosen. Chosen topic-How has the fee for service system affected the delivery of services in a clinic? Complete 1–2 pages in Word on the following: Choose your national or state health care policy. Recommendations (100–200 words) There should be 2–3 recommendations regarding the specific policy. Thinking outside of the box is permitted with recommendations because this is a proposed study and has not been approved for actual research. Recommendations should be supported with evidence-based research or other factual data. Conclusion (200–400 words) This should summarize the entire paper. A brief discussion on the problem, purpose, and research questions should be present.