Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool

Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool

Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool – Agency/Site

Agency/Site Criteria

Student Evaluation

  Faculty Evaluation Comments
Does Not Meet Meets Excels* Does Not Meet Meets Excels*
1.       Agency/site was able to provide the opportunities for the student to meet practice immersion clinical objectives.
2.       Agency/site was able to establish a comfortable, yet stimulating, practice environment. Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool


Does Not Meet:  Elements are missing.


Meets:  Agency/site meets this criterion.

Excels:  Agency/site meets this criterion and further a teaching point opportunity or expanded information, guidance, or other element to further enhance student learning. Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool

Agency/site – strengths:

Student Evaluation Faculty Evaluation
Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool



Agency/site – areas of improvement needed:                                                                                                                         


Student Evaluation Faculty Evaluation


Agency/site – Suggestions to incorporate more responsiveness to student learning needs:

Student Evaluation Faculty Evaluation






Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool – Mentor

Clinical Criteria

Student Feedback of Mentor Experience

Does Not Meet Meets Excels*
3.       Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.
4.       Utilize the nursing process to provide safe and effective care for patients across the health-illness continuum: promoting, maintaining, and restoring health; preventing disease; and facilitating a peaceful death as opportunity presents.
5.       Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.
6.       Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.
7.       Communicate therapeutically with patients.
8.       Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care.
9.       Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum. Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool
10.    Provide culturally sensitive care.
11.    Preserve the integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients.


Does Not Meet:  Elements are missing; mentor did not achieve.

Meets:  Mentor meets this criterion.

Excels:  Mentor meets this criterion and further incorporates a teaching point scenario or expanded information, guidance, or other element to further enhance student learning. Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool


Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool – Student

Clinical Criteria Mentor 

Sign Off

Faculty Sign Off

Does Not Meet Meets Excels*
12.    Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.
13.    Utilize the nursing process to provide safe and effective care for patients across the health-illness continuum: promoting, maintaining, and restoring health; preventing disease; and facilitating a peaceful death as opportunity presents.
14.    Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.
15.    Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.
16.    Communicate therapeutically with patients.
17.    Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care.
18.    Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.
19.    Provide culturally sensitive care.
20.    Preserve the integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients.


Does Not Meet:  Elements are missing; student is required to remediate this element to pass the course

Meets:  Student meets this criterion. Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool

Excels:  Student meets this criterion and further incorporates a teaching point scenario.


Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool