Determine the Key elements of the proposed needs assessment

Analyze and apply two (2) Needs Assessment Methods (1) Planner & (2) Participant: The
purpose of this exercise is for the student to systematically plan two assessment processes for specific target population(s). A more thorough checklist will be provided. 
(1) Choose your preferred definition of Need from either the Bradshaw or Isaac & Michaels sources.
(2) Using a health topic of interest or health issue choose a specific target population
(3) Decide which needs assessment protocols you choose to research and write about:
a. One Resource Tool to collect data about your target population must come from the
following – Epidemiological Data/ Records of Health and Health Care / Health Risk
Appraisal Instruments / Information from significant others / Examination of current
b. One Resource Tool to collect data about your target population must come from one of
the following – Community Forum / Focus Group / Opinion Leader’s Survey / Survey of
the target population / Fieldwork and Observation / Delphi Procedure
(4) After researching your two preferred needs assessment data techniques from a & b above, you
are to describe these two methodologies and indicate in prose how you would implement these
methodologies to determine the health needs of your target population you have selected
(5) The assignment will be evaluation on the basis of the following:
a. Articulation of the needs assessment protocol for each methodology
b. Organization and clarity of the process
c. Relevance of the needs assessment data technique
d. Grammar and spelling
Important NOTE:
I have attached the following: 
– The checklist for designing need assessment.
– The Powerpoint that can be used to guide and help the expert.
The tobic must be a health tobic or health issue and I want 4 pages.
Document Preview:

.. -.€”o Checklist for Designing Needs Assessment I. Preparation: A. Determine the Key elements of the proposed needs assessment 1. Identify the purpose to be served by the needs assessment 2. Before proceeding, insure that this is defensible, ethical and potentially viable 3. Define the client and other audiences B. Clarify the Reasons for the study l. What are the stated reasons (selection of persons groups or to participate in a program, allocation of funds, modification of the curriculum, interpretation program of outComes, public or relations?) 2. What possible unstated reasons justify exist (to previous a decision to cancel a program or to discharge certain personnel)? 3. Before proceeding, insure that reasons the for the study are honorable C. Make an Initial Approximation of the Client,s and Audiences information needs 1. What are their questions 2. What areas of the program or issue are most deficient? What knowledge and skills are needed 3. What information do they think they needpolitical viability Secure and maintain groups of key 1. Involve members these groups thrcughout the Maintain communication with 2. study protocol and honor appropriate 3. Determine (s) interest the subject of E. Characterize population interest of the of 1. Decide on a definition Describe this population 2. F. Identify other variables needs to be learned about the setting? 1. What of particular interest? What program variables are 2. monitored? variables should be 3. What outcome side effects of the program that 4. Are there any expected negative should be monitored? possible positive side effects? 5. How about judgments and importance of needs 6. about the existence Whose should be obtained? 1 of the information should be obtained about costs What program? qualifications of the program? 8. about the intrinsic What for study G. Formulate a general design the Define key terms 1. objectives of the study 2. State the…