how fast food advertisements affect children health and find solutions to improve children health

The main purpose of this report is to find out how fast food advertisements affect children health and find solutions to improve children health. Companies are paying a lot of money for their products, which in this case is fast food. They are targeting children by understanding the children behavior and how they respond to advertisements. On the other side, fast food causes some health problems like obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Some governments set laws to reduce and control the bad impacts for fast food advertisements on children like taxation.Document Preview:

The main purpose of this report is to find out how fast food advertisements affect children health and find solutions to improve children health. Companies are paying a lot of money for their products, which in this case is fast food. They are targeting children by understanding the children behavior and how they respond to advertisements. On the other side, fast food causes some health problems like obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Some governments set laws to reduce and control the bad impacts for fast food advertisements on children like taxation. Companies’ Ethics should also be part of this problem. More details will be mentioned and also statistical study in this report. INTRODUCTION 1.BACKGROUND: HOW DOES FAST FOOD ADS EFFECTS CHILDREN HEALTH? 1.1. The children behavior 1.2. The companies behavior 2. PROPSAL 1: HEALTH PROPLEMS CAUSES BY FAST FOOD 2.1. Obesity 2.1.1. BMI ratio 2.1.2. Statistical study 2.2.Diabetes 2.3.Heart diseases 3.PROPOSAL 2: SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDREN HEALTH PROBLEMS 3.1.More Taxation on fast food companies 3.2.Ethics 3.3.Banding ads during kid’s shows 3.4.Parents 3.5.Exercise 4.RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION At least 5 sources and the sources must be up to date (2008-2011) Citation using APA style, and documentations are needed also by APA style Paraphrased the sources (NO WORDING FROM THE SOURCES) I need all the sources and highlight what have been taken from the sources with cross references The report must be at least 1600 words WITHOUT the introduction and conclusion You can change the outline BUT not very much The report should be a solution and problem report.