Australian Health and Social Care Systems

Report Part A, Part B, and the Poster presentation, pitch and panel.
Select one of the following Australian subpopulations that you are interested in learning more about.
1. People living in rural and remote areas
2. Older Australians
3. Youth
4. Transgender Australians
5. Veterans
6. Prisoners
7. Refugees
You will be required to:
– research the sub-population and identify their specific health needs and the issues surrounding their health
service provision.
– report on a (new) fictitious health service/program to meet one of the identified needs.
– develop a poster to promote your service to its target audience.
– ‘pitch’ your service idea to a funding panel.
– participate as a funder for another group.
Approximately 1200 words (excluding references and subheadings).Document Preview:

HHB1204 Australian Health and Social Care Systems Assignment Instructions 2018 Report Part A, Part B, and the Poster presentation, pitch and panel. Select one of the following Australian subpopulations that you are interested in learning more about. 1. People living in rural and remote areas 2. Older Australians 3. Youth 4. Transgender Australians 5. Veterans 6. Prisoners 7. Refugees You will be required to: – research the sub-population and identify their specific health needs and the issues surrounding their health service provision. – report on a (new) fictitious health service/program to meet one of the identified needs. – develop a poster to promote your service to its target audience. – ‘pitch’ your service idea to a funding panel. – participate as a funder for another group. PART A: REPORT ON THE HEALTH STATUS OF THE SUBPOPULATION Approximately 1200 words (excluding references and subheadings). This is worth 20% of your final grade. Your report must address the points below. Each point is a sub-heading in the written report. 1. Identify and describe the specific health and wellbeing status of the subgroup. Provide at least 3 references to support this. 2. Identify and explain the barriers that the sub-population may face when accessing health services. Be specific. Provide at least 3 references to support this. 3. List and explain two aspects of existing health service provision that are already in place to remove the barriers and support the sub-population. Provide references to support this. 4. Identify and explain any deficits in the health provisions for this sub-group, that have not been addressed. 5. Make a brief proposal about how the above deficit might be better addressed by your fictitious service.PART B REPORT ON THE FICTITIOUS HEALTH SERVICE PROPOSED IN PART A Approximately 300 words (excluding references and subheadings). This is worth 20% of your final grade. …