How meeting the needs and promoting the physical, psychological and emotional health of Wounded Warriors will be one of the greatest Public Health Challenges

Requesting David Adams to write 40 pages on attached research proposal that he started on“How meeting the needs and promoting the physical, psychological and emotional health of Wounded Warriors will be one of the greatest Public Health Challenges”.Document Preview:

The physical, emotional and mental well being challenges analysis for veterans Introduction This proposal is regarding the challenges of providing the health care services to the veterans. The question is “How meeting the needs and promoting the physical, psychological and emotional health of Wounded Warriors will be one of the greatest Public Health Challenges”. In this regard the relevant literature is reviewed to justify the thesis proposal. The wounded warriors are warriors returning from war and they are often subject of physical, emotional and mental health issues. This report contains information regarding the issues of veterans after returning from war. The health issues challenges are understood by taking in to considerations of various reports. The research in this area has revealed that combating stress and mental health conditions are issues highly prevalent in the wounded warriors. They are often sustained the serious injuries. There are many researches that have reported that the issues such as the post traumatic stress disorders are not addressed. It is found that the department of veteran’s affairs are not equipped well with the facilities to address these challenges. The 2010 VA study revealed that the there were nearly 50000 veterans had new PTSD diagnosis and only fewer than 10 percent have received the evidence based treatment for mental health and in them 20 percent of the veterans did not receive a single follow up for mental health in the first year after diagnosis. This presents the inability of Veteran affairs to deal with the issues. In this regard the wounded warrior’s project had called the department of veteran affairs secretary Robert McDonald for acting quickly to build trust with the veterans and for improving the aces of services of health care in timely manner. The secretary had spent 100 days to understand the process issues, accountability and systematic management at veteran affairs. But spite of…