Components of a medical practice marketing plan

As you have seen this week, a marketing plan is a tool to help an organization achieve the goals and objectives identified in its strategic plan. In order to be effective, a marketing plan must accurately reflect what the health care organization is trying to accomplish. The marketing plan should also offer a realistic assessment of the market environment, the organization’s position in that market, and a clear and logical strategy consistent with actual conditions and desired outcomes.

In this Assignment, you will identify and evaluate an actual marketing plan for a health care organization.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s Learning Resources.

Locate and select a health care marketing plan from the Internet, library, or the organization with which you are associated.

To complete this Assignment, write a 3-page paper analyzing your chosen health care marketing plan. Be sure to address the following:

Briefly describe the health care organization (type, location, size, etc).

Analyze how well the marketing plan defines what the health care organization is trying to accomplish. Provide details and justification.

Explain to what extent the health care organization understands its environment, the market, and competition. What key market data is presented?

Evaluate whether the strategy action match seems logical. Explain.

Evaluate whether the marketing objectives are specific. Explain. Provide suggestions if they are not.

Evaluate whether tactics are specific, appropriate, and backed with enough power to meet the marketing objectives. Explain.

Evaluate whether the health care organization’s marketing plan is logical and realistic. Explain.

Evaluate whether the health care organization’s marketing plan is cohesive. Explain.

Identify and analyze some barriers to the health care organization’s marketing plan’s success.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources, as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.



Kotler, N. G., Kotler, P., & Kotler, W. I. (2008). Museum marketing and strategy: Designing missions, building audiences, generating revenue and resources (pp. 31–32). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 
Copyright 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Aluise, T. (1987). Components of a medical practice marketing plan. Journal of Health Care Marketing, 7 (3), 54–57. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database. 
Copyright 1987 by American Marketing Association. Reprinted by permission of American Marketing Association via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Eliscu, A. (2000). A breast care center marketing plan. Marketing Health Services, 20 (3), 38–41. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database. 
Copyright 2000 by American Marketing Association. Reprinted by permission of American Marketing Association via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Ford, R. C., Bach, S. A., & Fottler, M. D. (1997). Methods of measuring patient satisfaction in health care organizations. Health Care Management Review, 22 (2), 74–89. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. 
Copyright 1997 by LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS / NURSING – JOURNALS. Reprinted by permission of LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS / NURSING – JOURNALS via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Jensen, J. (2004). Steering clear of bandwagons. Marketing Health Services, 24 (3), 38–42. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database. 
Copyright 2004 by American Marketing Association. Reprinted by permission of American Marketing Association via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Otani, K., Waterman, B., Faulkner, K. M., Boslaugh, S., Burroughs, T. E., & Dunagan, W. (2009). Patient satisfaction: Focusing on “excellent.” Journal of Healthcare Management, 54 (2), 93–103. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. 
Copyright 2009 by HEALTH ADMINISTRATION PRESS. Reprinted by permission of HEALTH ADMINISTRATION PRESS via the Copyright Clearance Cen