health care policy factors

During your class time you will have learned about the Health Care System in the U.S. You have been exposed to different health care plans from other countries which provides different insurance systems. You will have been exposed to the history that led us to where we are today and the important milestones and changes that have been made up to the most recent, Affordable Care Act, under President Obama. For this final course project you will have to opportunity to apply what you have learned. You will design a health care plan for the U.S. Your plan will address the major challenges of access, cost and quality care. Include in your project health care policy factors that you have addressed to implement the “optimum” health care system. Also include the use of technology, how you envision the healthcare work force, how your insurance plan will be funded and / or payment structure for participants, and how you will transition from our current plan to your new optimal health plan.cost and quality care. Include in your project health care policy factors that you have addressed to implement the “optimum” health care system. Also include the use of technology, how you envision the healthcare work force, how your insurance plan will be funded and or payment structure for participants, and how you will transition from our current plan to your new optimal health plan. APA format is required. Please make sure you research how to present your paper in APA, the 2 points will automatically be deducted if you do not use APA. Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length, double spaced with a cover page. You will post a high-level summary of your paper to the class for peer review and discussion, which takes place in the last week of class.double spaced with a cover page. You will post a high-level summary of your paper to the class for review and peer discussion, which occurs in the last week of class.