Explore the supplemental interactive media, Health Care Financing

U.S. health care is very different from that in most other countries,  as you have seen this week. Financial management is probably one of the  greatest differences. However, every country has challenges and  strengths, depending on how their health care systems are financed. Some  may face unique challenges, such as universal coverage, unsafe care,  fragmented care, impoverished care or misdirected care, for instance.  Reforms needed in health care systems should be country specific. In  this assignment, you will have the opportunity to compare and contrast  the U.S. health care services and financing to that of other countries.  Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of  each country and its health needs help guide the reformation process.
To prepare for this assignment, read the following from your course text, Introduction to U.S. Health Care:

Chapter 3, “Health Care Provision”
Chapter 4, “Financing the U.S. Heath Care System”

Also search the Internet for information about how to do a SWOT analysis.
Explore the supplemental interactive media, Health Care Financing.
This assignment has two parts.
Part 1
This part of the assignment is an individual effort.
Using your assigned country (Assigned Country is India) from the beginning of the  course, compare its health care services and financing to U.S. health  care services and financing. Write up a SWOT analysis matrix format with  2–4 comments per box. Write a short paragraph of approximately 200  words summarizing your analysis.
A SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning assessment tool  that provides helpful information in matching an organization’s  resources and capabilities to its competitive environment by classifying  internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) such as staffing, and the  external factors in a strategic environment (opportunities and threats)  such as the economy.