describe health inequities in the context of imbalances related to determinants of health

Word count or equivalent:
2000 words (plus reference list – Harvard style referencing)

Assessment criteria:
The summative assessment is assessed using a marking rubric that includes how well each of the four learning outcomes have been demonstrated in the essay. IT uses a six-point qualitative scale that goes from very level of achievement to limited
or no demonstration of the learning outcome. The marking rubric also assesses the structure of the essay and quality of writing i.e. grammar and spelling. This rubric will help students to understand what aspects of writing their essay they have done well on and which they need to improve for future modules.
Marking scheme:
The standard achieved is very good and the work provides clear evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study.
There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at a very good standard.

This module is designed to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of the environmental and social factors that influence health and wellbeing. These factors are often referred to in the public health literature (books and journal articles) as the determinants of health.
The biological, environmental and social determinants of health include what kind of home you live in, what kind of neighbourhood, the access you have to greenspace, to doctors and other health and social care professionals as well as the quality of the air, water and soil. Having a good quality job, having a home that is dry, spacious and warm as well as having easy access to good quality food and feeling safe walking to school, to work and to the shops all can have a big impact on your health and wellbeing, the health and wellbeing of your family and friends, and of the wider community and society that you live in.
Understand the factors underlying the influences on health status as well as other social determinants of health.
2. Be able to describe health inequities in the context of imbalances related to determinants of health.
3. Understand the concept of lifestyle in terms of its focus on individual behaviours, the limiting effects of structural factors, and in particular structural inequalities.

This module provides one core foundation for you becoming a future public health professional. Key elements of the module include: Have an understanding of the various levels at which determinants of health operate at individual, household, community, national, international levels and also gain insight into the structural factors underlying the impact of health policies and programmes
• Define and describe the range of determinants of health and how they influence health and well-being.
• Be able to develop logic diagrams (causal pathway diagrams) to visualize how determinants influence individual or community health and well being.
• Understand the concept of lifestyle – diet, exercises, sleep, smoking, drinking, sexual health (as one key social determinants of health) – and how lifestyle related determinants of health influences individual and community health.
• Understand the concept of environment – air, water and soil quality, noises, Determinants of Health and Illness – August 2016 Page 9 of 42 housing, transport, green space and neighbourhood – and how environmental determinants of health influences individual and community health.
• Understand the concept of social – access to goods and services, gender, ethnicity, culture, power, social class, and social roles – and how social determinants of health influences individual and community health.
• Define and understand health inequalities and health equity, their link to environmental and social factors and the broad strategies that have been developed to tackle them.
• Understand that some determinants of health are modifiable, or more modifiable, than others (environmental and social factors are more modifiable and biological factors are non- or less modifiable).