Cultural awareness training

HLT51612: Diploma of Nursing- Case Study Assignment

Loitja is a 58-year-old Aboriginal woman living in a rural Aboriginal community near Mildura in Victoria .She lives in a very crowded 3-bedroom rental house with two of her adult children and several grandchildren for whom she is the main carer. Loitja receives Social Security benefits so has limited money to be able to afford much fresh fruit, vegetables or meat for her large family. Loitja is overweight, has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Two years ago she had a left below-knee amputation and wears a prosthetic limb for ambulation. Type 2 Diabetes has been prevalent among Loitja’s relatives for many years. Alcohol problems and tobacco use are common in the family; and several household members have developed chronic eye problems.

Current or potential health issues for Loitja:
(a) Cardio-Vascular disease
(b) Eye diseases / conditions
(c) Tobacco / Nicotine addiction
(d) Type 2 Diabetes


Q1. Explore and provide the following information about Loitja:

(a) Health Issue-With reference to the historical, lifestyle & cross-cultural issues that affect ATSI health; select one (1) current or potential health issue from the preceding list.

a1. Discuss how this health issue could affect Loitja, paying particular attention to relevant ATSI
statistics, etc. for her age group; and including her specific personal circumstances and living
environment. (150 words)

(b) Government Program- Using the health issue selected in Question 1(a); conduct research on one (1) specific ATSI Government program / initiative for managing this particular health issue.

b1. Provide the name and describe the content of the program / initiative which is relevant for this health issue; and how it may be accessed and utilised by Loitja in her locality, to improve her health, and therefore enhance her long-term health outcomes.

Q2. Communication / Cultural Safety: Effective communication between health professionals and their ATSI patients or colleagues is essential. An understanding of the way ATSI people perceive their health, and an awareness of their culture, may assist the Enrolled Nurse in being culturally sensitive when providing nursing care to ATSI patients or working with ATSI colleagues.
A.Select one (1) strategy from the following list; then discuss how this strategy can assist the Enrolled Nurse (EN) to acquire and / or use cultural understanding and awareness, and provide cultural safety when working with ATSI patients and / or colleagues. (150 words)

(a) Purpose-built ATSI health services / facilities
(b) Culturally-sensitive communication techniques for ATSI patients
(c) Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers (AHLOs)
(d) Cultural awareness training for other non-indigenous staff

Q3. Self-Reflection:
Describe / explain how studying the ATSI Unit, and acquiring relevant knowledge has enhanced / confirmed / changed your perception / attitude towards cultural issues / sensitivity / awareness; and how this acquired knowledge could assist you as an Enrolled Nurse, to work effectively with ATSI patients and / or ATSI colleagues.