The Social Determinants Of Health

Empowerment And The Social Determinants Of Health- Essay Writing Assignment

Essay: Empowerment And The Social Determinants Of Health

(2000 Words, 50%)

What Are The Characteristics Of Community Empowerment That Addresses The Social Determinants Of Health?

Your Assignment Should:

1. Demonstrate An Understanding Of The Social Determinants Of Health

2. Explain Your Answer In The Context Of Primary Health Care Objectives

Your Work Should:

1.Provide A Lucid Introduction

2.Show An Advanced Understanding Of The Key Issues

3.Show The Ability To Interpret Relevant Information And Literature In Relation To The Set Question

4.Demonstrate A Capacity To Explain And Apply Relevant Theory

5.Show Evidence Of Reading Beyond The Core And Recommended Reading

6.Justify Any Conclusions Reached With Well-Formed Arguments Not Merely Assertion

7.Comply With Normal Academic Standards Of Legibility, Referencing And Bibliographical Details

8.Be Written Clearly With Accurate Spelling, Grammar And Sentence And Paragraph Construction

A Rough Plan

1.Introduction 2. What Are SDH 3. Community Empowerment 4. Alma Ata /Ottawa And Primary Health Movement. 5. Laverack’s 9 Empowerment Domains. 6. Community Characteristics That Address Empowerment. 7. Community Characteristics That Address The SDH. 8 Conclusion

KerriganD, Kennedy C, Morgan-ThomasR, Reza-Paul

S, Mwangi P, Thi Win K,

McFall A,Fonner V & Butler J (2014) A Community Empowerment Approach To The HIV Response Among Sex Workers: Effectiveness, Challenges, And Considerations For Implementation And Scale-Up, Www.Thelancet.Com Published Online July 22, 2014 Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60973-9

Lober W & Flowers J (2011) Consumer Empowerment In Health Care Amid The Internet And Social Media, Seminars In Oncology Nursing, 27 (3) 169-182

Sado L, Spaho A & Hotchkiss D (2014) The Influence Of Women’s Empowerment On Maternal Health Care Utilization: Evidence From Albania, Social Science & Medicine, 114, 169e177

Laverack, G. (2006) ‘ Improving Health Outcomes Through Community

Empowerment: A Review Of The Literature’ Journal Of Health, Population And Nutrition, 24(1):113-120

•Laverack, G. (2007) Health Promotion Practice: Building Empowered Communities, McGraw Hill, Open University Press Berkshire, UK. Chpts 3, 4, 5, 7 And 8

•Laverack, G. (2009), Public Health: Power, Empowerment And Professional Practice, Palgrave MacMillan, Hampshire, UK. Chpts, 1, 2, 3 And 6 (Important One).

Laverack G. (2013)

Health Activism: Foundations And Strategies, Sage, London. Chpts 4 And 6