The introduction of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

NURBN2009: Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion- Nursing Essay Assignment Help


This essay is designed to develop a capacity to identify, research and critically analyse the key concepts within health promotion and health education as it relates to role of the professional nurse. This task is intended to encourage students to practise writing and presenting researched material in a logical, concise manner that is academically rigorous. Therefore, each student is to demonstrate critical thinking, development of argument, discerning use of resources and the application of the principles of academic writing. Referencing, spelling and grammar, and overall
presentation will also be assessed.

The introduction of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 signalled the beginning of change in the way that health professionals educate and empower individuals and populations. Using the action areas of the Ottawa charter for health promotion and your health promotion project, explain how the concepts of Health Literacy, Health Education and Health Promotion relate to empowerment and ultimately the role of health professionals?

Students are to each research and demonstrate their understanding of the Ottawa Charter and its principles in regards to health promotion AND the nurse’s role, as well as their ability to construct an academic piece of writing where they can express their understanding and critical thinking. Students are to use the resources provided within the course to help with academic writing, structure and referencing. Students should also use the marking guide provided to understand the expected standard and quality of work. They must use appropriate resources and reference accordingly, using the university approved referencing style; APA sixth edition.