Identify and discuss the contributions that have been made by public health agencies, positions

 w:For this submission, due in Module Four, you will submit your public health issue analysis. In this submission, you should provide a historical public health perspective that continues where your introduction left off. You should identify which segment of the population is most at risk for developing this issue, including risk factors, characteristics, and health behaviors, and also take into account the determinants of health. Discuss the social and behavioral factors that contribute to this public health issue. How do these factors impact the issue? Consider factorssuch as culture, socioeconomic status, education level, race/ethnicity, and sex. Finally, identify and discuss the contributions that have been made by public health agencies, positions, or roles in regards to the selected issue. What agencies have had a significant impact on addressing this issue? What public health positions or roles have been critical in addressing this issue? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Public Health Issue Analysis A. Provide a historical public health perspective about your issue, expanding on the introduction. Be sure to substantiate your claims with examples and evidence. B. Identify the population that is most atrisk for this public health issue. What characteristics make a person more susceptible to facing this issue? Consider the determinants of health as discussed in the course. C. Discuss the social and behavioral factors that contribute to this public health issue. What impact do these factors have on the issue you selected? Be sure to justify your reasoning. D. What contributions have been made by public health agencies, positions, or roles with regard to your selected public health issue? In other words, what role have public agencies or specific positions or employees within the agencies played with regard to delivering public health services for this issue? Guidelines for Submission:Milestone Twoshould follow these formatting guidelines: 2–4 pages in length, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and citations in APA style.Once you have submitted this milestone to Brightspace for grading, post it to the Milestone Two Review discussion topic for your peers to review in the next module. Critical Elements Exempl