Medical insurance gradually reduces the medical costs incurred by patients

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic The ideal healthcare system.This essay describes the components of an ideal healthcare system.An ideal health care system is one that efficiently serves the needs of the community. It has the ability to provide primary health care information to patients, research and health care services (Holtz, 2008). It is clear that an ideal health care system cannot be established without the contribution of the right people. This has led to the establishment of new roles for a willing community, researchers and nurses (Atlas, 2010). The community will have to take a larger role in establishing an ideal medical care system. Researchers will play an increased role since they are responsible for coming up with health initiatives that are aimed at improving health care provision to all the citizens. Well-trained medical practitioners including doctors and nurses should be included in the establishment of an ideal health care system.An ideal health care system should have improved costs. To begin with, it should be noted that medical care should be available to all citizens. It is therefore important to come up with ways of improving access to health care by cutting down on costs. The surest way of improving costs of health care provision is by encouraging all citizens to apply for medical insurance. This is owing to the fact that medical insurance gradually reduces the medical costs incurred by patients (Holtz, 2008). Additionally, subsidies should be given to individuals who are insured and those who are not insured should be penalized. Medical insurers should come up with friendly insurance policies that ensure inclusion of most members of the population (Atlas, 2010). On the other hand, hospitals should look for investors to fund their operations that in turn will lower the costs of health care provision. Finally, the government should play a greater role in funding the health care provision to promote improved health care costs.There are