The most important health care support service

HCS 212 Week 2 Complete Discussion 1. Identify one government (public), one private, and one voluntary health care delivery structure. What are their functions? Briefly explain how having health care structures in three sectors (public, private, and voluntary) makes the American health care system different than health care systems other countries. Discussion 2. In your opinion, what is the most important health care support service? Why (use logical reasoning, evidence, or other data and evidence to support your response)? How might the lives of people needing this service be different if that service were unavailable? Individual Assignment – Perspective on Health Care Paper Resource: Perspective on Health Care Paper Grading Criteria in the Course Materials forum. Review the following assignment options. Select and complete one of the options. Option A: New to Health Care Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following questions: • What interested you about the history of health care? • What resources are there for finding more information on the history of health care in the United States? • What areas of health care are you interested in pursuing? Why? • Which positive and negative health outcomes linked to demographic indicators intrigued you the most? NOTE: Demographics includes whether or not a person is poor, whether a person lives in an urban or rural environment/population density, proportion of people of certain ages, gender, race and ethnicity, and birth rate. The connection between demographic indicators and health is that health indicators such as nutrition, infant mortality, population per doctor/access to health care, and sanitation are all influenced by demographic indicators. For more information on demographic indicators, Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines (e.g., title page, appropriate headings, font, indentation, and references) and don’t forget to include an introduction and a conclusion! Option B: Health Care Experience Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following questions: • Did you find any of the historical information from Ch. 1 of Introduction to the Health Professions applicable to your professional experiences in health care? If so, how have historical changes affected you or your role? • What resources are there for finding more information on the history of health care in the United States? • Which area of health care do you work in now or which area do you plan to pursue? How has health care reform affected this field? What are your thoughts on these changes? • Were you surprised that positive and negative health outcomes are linked to demographic indicators? Have you had to deal with any of these outcomes in your current work? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines (e.g., title page, appropriate headings, font, indentation, and references) and don’t forget to include an introduction and a conclusion! NOTE: A sample paper using APA format is posted in the Course Materials forum for your reference. In addition, the Center for Writing Excellence has resources on using APA style, including RiverPoint Writer and a citation generator, to assist you in formatting and citing your papers properly. Learning Team Assignment – Body Part Presentation Outline Submit Body Part Presentation Outline (one per team, MS Word, one page). Because this assignment is graded, submit to your respective Learning Team Assignment link. Begin working on Body Part Presentation Reference List due in Week Three. Include at least three peer-reviewed/academic references properly formatted using APA style guidelines that you will use as sources in your team presentation. Your final reference list submitted with your presentation may include additional references.