Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

1. Minimizing bias and decreasing threats to internal validity is important to experimental designs. How will a researcher use the three criteria, manipulation, randomization, and control to minimize bias and decrease threats to internal validity? Nursing homework help


2. Many times, researchers state that randomized clinical trials (RCT) provide the strongest level of evidence for an individual study when using an evidence-based model.  As a researcher, why do you think this statement is true?

3. When conducting an experimental design, how will you as a researcher, use intervention fidelity to increase the strength and quality of the evidence provided by the findings of the study?

4. What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Quantitative studies). Nursing homework help

Example 1:


Crosbie et. al. (2018) conducted a quantitative study to see the relationship between colorectal cancer diagnosis for those below and above 50 years old (Crosbie et. al., 2018). The sample size that was used to conduct their study was a total of 181,909 cases between 35 years (Crosbie et. al., 2018). A convenience sampling of individuals was used in the New Jersey area that were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and were over the age of 20 (Crosbie et. al., 2018). Crosbie et. al. (2018) used the state cancer registry, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) databases to gather their data (Crosbie et. al., 2018). These databases can be considered reliable because they are national and state databases that have up to date patient information regarding cancer statistics. Nursing homework help

Example 2:

According to their findings, Wallace et. al. (2016) was able to identify a large

percentage of black individuals below the age of 50 years old with adenomas or polyps in their

colorectal canal. In addition, their findings indicated that black people under the age of 50 years

old had a similar risk for colorectal adenomas as those who were white, but were within the

recommended screening age of 50 – 64 years old. One of the limitations of this study that was

discussed was the small number of black individuals who were below 50 years old.

Consequently, the prevalence rate for colorectal cancer in African Americans below 50 years old

may have been overestimated within the study (Wallace et. al., 2016)