Human Disease
The microorganism that you will research and write about for your Unit 7 Assignment is:

Epidemiologists study the occurrence and transmission of human diseases on a global scale. This is no easy task since pathogens, or disease-causing organisms, are everywhere. It is virtually impossible to avoid coming into contact with a potentially pathogenic microorganism in the modern world.
In this Assignment, you will practice some epidemiology. You will apply what you have learned about the structure and function of microorganisms as you explore a pathogenic microbe and its impact on human health.
To complete the Assignment, choose one of the microbes assigned by your instructor. Include the following topics within your Discussion:
Provide background about the disease-causing microbe. Is it a virus, bacterium, etc.? What are the symptoms of the disease?
Describe the portal of entry and exit of the microbe. How does it enter the human body? How is the microbe spread through a population?
Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease (how the microbe actually causes the symptoms). Does it produce a toxin, or have other pathogenic properties?
Describe the impact of this microbe on human health. Why would this disease be of concern to epidemiologists? What is the prevalence of the disease in the human population?
Describe any treatments available for the disease. Include vaccinations and chemotherapeutic treatment options.
Basic Writing Expectations
1000-1200 words
At least 5 academic sources. These can include references provided within the project directions and the textbook. The Kaplan Library is also a great source for academic references. Do not use sources such as Wikipedia or References should be credible and academic in nature.