Public health partnerships are an important tool for stretching limited resources.

Public health partnerships are an important tool for stretching limited resources. Using the literature and information found in this course, explain in detail the different types of partnerships (strategic orientation, categories, and characteristics) and use that information to conduct an analysis of two different public health partnerships. In your analysis, you should describe the purposes, structure, goals of each of the organizations and the two partnerships and how the organizations quantify or measure their success. You should conclude by comparing and contrasting the two partnerships and describe any similarities and differences between them, identify whether one program appears to have advantages over the other, and explain why. The paper’s purpose is to provide practical experience in effectively using health care research resources through library databases and Internet search engines and to enable you to write more effectively about public health administration topics. The length of the paper should be from six to ten double-spaced pages, not including the title page, references, or any charts or tables. The paper must meet all APA standards and your references must include at least five peer-reviewed journal articles. Grading criteria will include organization, the depth of fact-finding, the depth of analysis, sophistication of thinking, strength and clarity of writing, paper formatting, and the degree to which the paper followed the published guidelines. See the Standardized Writing Rubric in the Course Content for specific criteria.