Simulation technology in nursing

Simulation technology in nursing

Taymir Torres

Simulation technology in nursing has both positive and negative outcomes that all operate to serve the healthcare industry. Opportunities for the concept involve management of training in areas where physical clinical sites are limited, in educational sessions where students are not allowed to administer medication, at hospitals where medical records are confidential, and when dealing with a shortage of healthcare trainers for nursing students (Koukourikos et al., 2021). All these are valid opportunities to allow nursing students to generate better learning and health improvement for patients since they can get theoretical concepts and then find it easier to get integrated into the professional environment. Disadvantages of simulation in nursing technology include the issue of being unreal affects accurate clinical procedures, the expenses involved in the process are too much, there is a mandatary requirement for technological maintenance, and limited training for healthcare educators. Simulation technology in nursing


Improvement of advanced practice nursing (APRN) is possible using simulation which serves the entire health management procedure. Healthcare reforms are possible using simulation technology that shall produce APRN’s who are versatile, highly experienced, and capable of promoting clinical adherence to healthcare environment requirements. Simulation can improve on decision-making by integrating sessions which produce real-life experiences for patients then nurses can get involved to manage patient requirements (Guerrero et al., 2021).

APRN’s shall gain better experience since simulation shall assist them to close the gap between theoretical coursework and skills. Integration of a real-life healthcare environment shall push nurses to perform in better capacity even as they learn about concepts required in simulation. Use of advanced simulation technology generates a better method of boosting APRN’s educational journey since they shall then get allowed to produce effective healthcare management procedures. Patient safety can get improved on as all APRNs integrate their high level of thinking into the work environment (Lacostte, 2018). Simulation technology in nursing


Guerrero, J., Hafiz, A., Eltohamy, N., Gomma, N., & Jarrah, I. (2021). Repeated Exposure to High-fidelity Simulation and Nursing Interns’ Clinical Performance: Impact on Practice Readiness. Clinical Simulation In Nursing, 60, 18-24.

Koukourikos, K., Tsaloglidou, A., Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I. V., Iliadis, C., Fratzana, A., &Panagiotou, A. (2021). Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopisDrustva za medicinskuinformatiku BiH, 29(1), 15–20.

Lacostte, T. (2018). Nursing education on the move: Technology, creativity, and Innovation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 2(1).


Maria Lazarte


The challenges of simulation technology include limited realistic human intervention and a lack of physiological symptoms. There might be no physiological symptoms such as shaking voice or facial freezing. Some students might fail to take the simulations seriously. Another challenge is the lack of training among health educators. Some health educators might not have acquired adequate training in simulation technologies (Rauen, 2020). Educators have to be prepared by acquiring simulation skills. Students might not learn how to use the simulation technologies if their educators are not skilled. There is a challenge of high maintenance. The patient simulators in nursing education require adequate space. Schools require adequate time and money for teaching the faculty members about simulation technologies.

The opportunities include the ability to customize the simulation technologies for individualized learning. The simulation technologies can guarantee learning experiences for all students. They can also increase standardization and reduce training variability. Students can obtain immediate feedback when they use simulation technologies. They can use simulation technologies for practicing their clinical skills (Nelson et al., 2018). Nursing students can use patient simulators. They can develop non-technical skills and practice emergencies through simulation technologies. There are opportunities for repetitive practice learning. Students can simulate various scenarios several times. They can practice their skills several times because the simulation technologies provide opportunities for repetition.

In APRN education, students can use simulation technologies to reduce their performance anxiety. They can make mistakes and turn them into learning opportunities without harming patients. Students can reduce their errors through the use of simulation technologies. They can use simulations such as virtual patients, screen-based simulations, human patient simulators, and partial task trainers. Students can acquire critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills (Foronda et al.,2019). They can also engage in the deliberative practice. Simulation technologies give students the opportunity to engage in experiential learning. Simulation technologies can provide students with opportunities to provide patient care. The technologies enable students to learn at their pace.


Foronda, C. L., Alfes, C. M., Dev, P., Kleinheksel, A. J., Nelson Jr, D. A., O’Donnell, J. M., &Samosky, J. T. (2019). Virtually nursing: Emerging technologies in nursing education. Nurse educator42(1), 14-17.

Nelson, D. L., &Blenkin, C. (2018). The power of online role-play simulations: technology in nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship4(1).

Rauen, C. A. (2020). Simulation as a teaching strategy for nursing education and orientation in cardiac surgery. Critical care nurse24(3), 46-51.