Critical Incident Analysis

Critical Incident Analysis

Comprehensive Clinical Nursing: 

Critical Incident Analysis


A critical incident is one in which unusual circumstances led to an unexpected outcome.  The incident can be either positive or negative, but must be one that impacted you in some way, either personally or professionally.


MY TOPIC IS RaDonda Vaught Case. (I have attached 2 pdf regarding the RaDonda Vaught case).


This is meant to be a reflective exercise in which the student:

  1. Applies critical thinking to analyze the situation.
  2. Identifies areas in which errors or omissions may have occurred.
  3. Defines positive methods of improvement.
  4. Identifies incident’s relation to Quality Improvement.


If a positive incident is described the student must use critical thinking to:

  1. Identify behaviors that led to the positive outcome.
  2. Identify ways in which these behaviors can be applied to the professional practice of nursing.

Using the following questions as a guide, compose a 4-5pages’ essay about the incident. Do not write the paper in a question/answer format. If references are cited, though not required, they must be cited in APA format and a works cited page attached.


  1. Describe the incident:(In order to protect privacy DO NOT include any pertinent patient, family, or staff identifiers.)
  2. What positive/negative factors led up to the incident?
  3. What positive/negative behaviors of the staff influenced the outcome of the incident?
  4. If a negative event: What changes could be made to prevent the incident from occurring?
  5. How did the incident impact you personally?
  6. How do you plan to use this incident to impact your career as a professional nurse?




As part of the clinical component of this class students are required to observe for critical incidents. The paper is divided into sections with points divided out accordingly by the key elements description, SBAR/assessment, impact, and reflection.  These occurrences may be positive or negative incidents that impact the student in some way either personally or professionally.  The course objectives met by this assignment will include


Component Exemplary

15 points


10 points


5 points

Description ·         Describes the incident

·         Describes patient outcome

·         Identify if outcome is positive or negative

·         Identify 3 or more errors or omissions that occurred if negative or 3 or more positive occurrences if positive

·         Describes the incident

·         Describes patient outcome

·         Identifies if outcome of incident is positive or negative

·         Identifies 2 or more errors or omissions that occurred if negative or 2 or more positive occurrences if positive

·         Describes the incident

·         Describes patient outcome

·         Identifies if outcome of incident is positive or negative

·         Identifies 1 error or omission that occurred if negative or 1 or more positive occurrences if positive




35 points


27.5 points


7.5 points















·         Uses SBAR to describe assessment data

·         Identifies positive/negative factors leading to incident

·         Presents sufficient data to justify/validate the problem

·         No errors in logic

·         Identifies what changes could have prevented incident if negative

·         Identifies positive behaviors that led to positive outcome if positive

·         Applies critical thinking to analyze incident

·         Uses SBAR to describe assessment data

·         Identifies positive/negative factors leading to incident

·         Presents sufficient data to justify/validate the problem

·         No errors in logic

·         Applies critical thinking to analyze incident

·         Uses SBAR to describe assessment data

·         Identifies positive/negative factors leading to incident

·         Presents sufficient data to justify/validate the problem




35 points


27.5 points


7.5 points


















·         Discusses what impact the incident appeared to have on staff

·         Discusses what positive/negative behaviors of the staff influenced the outcome of the incident

·         Lists how two or more staff members reacted

·         Lists types of debriefing that occurred

·         Notes if management was notified or if incident report was filed

·         Discusses how incident is related to need for Quality Improvement project

·         Identifies what QI you would initiate as a professional nurse










·         Discusses what impact the incident appeared to have on staff

·         Discusses what positive/negative behaviors of the staff influenced the outcomes of the incident

·         Lists how staff members reacted

·         Lists types of debriefing that occurred

·         Notes if management was notified or if incident report was filed

·         Discusses how incident is related to need for Quality Improvement project

·         Discusses what impact the incident appeared to have on staff

·         Discusses what positive/negative behaviors of the staff influenced the outcome of the incident

·         Lists types of debriefing that occurred

·         Notes if management was notified or if incident report was filed


15 points


10 points


5 points

















·         Discuss how incident affected you personally

·         Identifies 3 ways that the incident will impact your professional practice

·         Identifies how incident will affect professional practice

·         If positive or negative, lists 3 ways in which behaviors can be applied to the professional practice of nursing

·         Discuss how incident affected you personally

·         Identifies 2 ways that the incident will impact your professional practice

·         Identifies how incident will affect professional practice

·         If positive or negative, lists 2 ways in which behaviors can be applied to the professional practice of nursing

·         Discuss how incident affected you personally

·         Identify 1 way that the incident will impact your professional practice

·         Identifies how incident will affect professional practice

·         If positive or negative, lists 1 way in which behavior can be applied to the professional practice of nursing.

Total Point (100 possible) Total Points: Total Points: Total Points:


Minimum of 80 to pass


Instructor comments: