Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Week 05 Discussion

From the following study below, pick any category in the table at bottom of paper (Supplementary Material), such as HIV or maternal disorders, and discuss changes or trends in prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability. Nursing homework help


Hint: Pick the topic consistent with your project. What are at least two relevant implications for prevention or intervention?

Vos, T., Abajobir, A., Abate, K., … et. al. (2017). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. The Lancet. [Library Link]

(In 200 words)



Week 05 Project Assignment – Literature Review

(3 Pages).

  1. Identify the target population you will focus on. For instance, if your interest is in access to mammography, this is your chance to become more specific, such as access to mammography among black women (a vulnerable group) in rural areas of Vermont.
  2. Write a paragraph about why this specific population is of concern regarding this particular health problem.
  3. Review the literature. Discuss the medical literature but also include information pertaining to applicable law and regulation, statistics (include attendant data sources) as it pertains to your topic, and synthesize the information to describe the extent of the problem.

There are many locations on-line that talk about literature reviews, but if you need some help, try:

McCombes, S. (2019 – upd. 2021). How to write a literature review.


Week 06 Discussion

  • Identify and discuss a health problem of interest using the Healthy People 2030 data (no more than 600 words.) You can use the same public health problem you are choosing for your project paper if you wish.
  • (In 200 words)



Week 06 Project Assignment – SMART Goals

(3 Pages).

What do you want to accomplish with your Project Paper? Write at least 3 measurable goals (but don’t boil the ocean).

For example:

“Increase the national vaccination rate for all children in the US” is a bit ambitious. Nursing homework help


“Improving the vaccination rate among preschoolers seen in a free clinic by 1%” may be more doable, unless the vaccination rate is already quite high. But before you can get to an outcome goal such as an increased vaccination rate, you probably should address some process goals. A process goal maybe something like “Improving knowledge about immunization among newly hired nurses as evidenced by successfully completing a novel course on immunizations within the first three months of hire.”.

Try to write your goals in SMART format, although that isn’t always possible. If you can’t write them as SMART goals, include a sentence or two as to why not. One way to approach this is to write a goal, then identify all of the SMART elements for that goal, revising the goal as needed for the elements.


At least 100 low income, sexually active, teens will be tested for HIV in this clinic between Jan 1 and June 30.
Specific Testing of low-income teens for HIV
Measurable One can count the unique individuals tested, in this example there is a goal of at least 100
Attainable This is attainable as long as the population served has enough low income teens, although the goal may be helped if the clinic is in one of the thirty-one states that explicitly include testing and treatment for HIV without parental consent.
Relevant Testing is key to knowing HIV status
Time Jan 1-June 30


80% of participants in the HTN clinic will be able to identify 3 low-sodium food choices from a select list upon completion of nutritional counseling during 2023.
Specific Identify select foods (assumption is there is a list or other resource)
Measurable 80% of participants and 3 low-sodium foods
Attainable 80% is the goal, if that is attainable remains to be seen
Relevant Dietary modification is important for self-management of HTN
Time Upon completion of nutritional counseling during 2023

For more information refer to the Overview of Project Paper that covers all parts of your final paper for this class.

Refer to the Syllabus for point value of this assignment. Your Activity Completion checkbox will be marked when you submit to this dropbox, remember to check your gradebook for your grade.



Week 07 Discussion

  • Explain at least one positive and one negative impact of knowing the genetic propensity of a person to develop a disease.
  • How does one integrate genetic information into a health assessment impact?
  • (In 200 words)


Week 08 Discussion


  • There are multiple measures for health-related quality of life. Do you think this can or cannot be adequately measured?
  • Cite at least two differing resources.
  • (In 200 words)


Week 08 Project Assignment – Planned Interventions

(3 Pages).

In the last paper, you set your goals. Now, identify at least two interventions you will institute as part of the program you are developing to address the problem.

Maybe its presenting a 30 min in-service to the nursing staff addressing fears and misconceptions about diabetes among your target group. For whatever it is, please describe:

  • What each intervention will entail.
  • Timeline for implementation.
  • Assignment of duties and responsibilities.
  • Potential funding source(s)?
  • Communications plan.
  • Key organizations and individuals to include in planning. Discuss why you selected these groups or individuals

Critique each of the identified prevention or promotion services and report as a SWOT analysis.

A SWOT analysis factors in the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

For more information refer to the Overview of Project Paper that covers all parts of your final paper for this class.

Refer to the Syllabus for point value of this assignment. Your Activity Completion checkbox will be marked when you submit to this dropbox, remember to check your gradebook for your grade.