Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


Weeks 3-4

Topic Assigned Content/Readings


Assignments/Due Dates
 Week 3



Models to Guide Implementation and Sustainability of EBP















Evidence-Based Practice





Critically appraising the evidence





ReadMelnyk & Fineout-Overholt  Ch. 14


Review APA Chapters 1-8 Nursing homework help



Assignment:Chose a EBP model that aligns with your PICO(T)and Complete Research Model Worksheet

Instructions:After reading Chapter 14 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt. Review the following models and choose one that best fits your PICO(T), the organization where you work or where you would implement the PICO(T):

IOWA Model of EBP, John Hopkins Nursing Process for EBP,Stetler Model of EBP, Stevens Start Model, Clinical Scholar Model, PARIHS Elements and Sub-elements, and ARCC Model

Once you have chosen your EBP model complete the Research Model worksheet found in this module.  This will guide your EBP study based on your specific PICO(T) ( and will be included in your  Research Paper) Please complete this worksheet using APA 7th ed format .

Review the following in Module 2 to provide guidance and examples in further detail:

Research Model Worksheet

Research Model Example Nursing homework help



Submit Research Model Worksheet to the drop box Sunday by 11:59pm




Quizzes Due:

No quiz due this week



No discussion due this week


Assignment: Submit Research Model worksheet to drop box Sunday by 11:59








Week  4


Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence 




Critically appraising the evidence


Technical Writing








Professional Writing




















ReadMelnyk & Fineout- Overholt Chapters 5, 6,17. 18


Review: Literature Review Content found in Module 2


Read: Differences between qualitative and quantitative articles handout found in the content area of Module 2.


Discussion:  Using the MSU library data baseidentify one Quantitative  and one Qualitative article for your PICO (T) that demonstrates support your desired clinical question/intervention outcome and complete a literature review table for those articles . Answer all discussion questions for this section.


Make sure to continue to add articles from searches to the Database Research Table.


Assignment: Follow the Literature Review Rubric and Instructions and complete the Literature Review Template for your Quantitative and Qualitative articles as part of your discussion for week 4.



Looking ahead: Week 5 is when the first draft of Research Review (Part 1)




Quizzes Due:

No quiz due this week



Initial responsesdue Wednesday by 11:59pm. Response to 2 peers and self-grading quiz due by Sunday at 11:59pm


Assignment:Submit your literature review template to the dropbox by Sunday at 11:59pm