Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification: Interview Guide

For the Interviews and Interdisciplinary Issue identification assessment, your first step will be to interview a classmate, anursing colleague, administrator, business partner, or another appropriate person who could provide you with sufficient information regarding an organizational problem that they are experiencing or have experienced, or an area in which they are seeking improvements. This guide provides a selection of questions that you should consider asking your interviewee. They are by no means questions you must ask, or the only questions you should ask. Feel free to ask your own questions and follow-ups as the interview proceeds. These are merely a guide to get you started. Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification


Sample questions

  • How would you describe your organization?
  • What is your position within the organization?
  • What are your primary duties in your position?
  • How would you describe some current or past issues within your organization?
  • How did or do these issues affect your ability to complete your duties?
  • How have you, or the organization, attempted to address these issues?
    • What has been done and what were the results?
    • What has been the role or actions of leadership in any attempts to address these issues?
      • How effective do you think their actions have been?
    • What is the general attitude toward interdisciplinary collaboration at your organization?
    • Have you experienced working on an interdisciplinary or interprofessional team?
      • How would you characterize the experience?
      • To what degree do you think overall organizational attitudes towardcollaboration influenced this experience?Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

        Interview Summary

        Summarize your interview in this section. Be sure to relate concise information about:

        • the health care organization that was discussed in the interview.
        • the interviewee’s role and duties.
        • the relevant issues at the organization.
        • any relevant comments on the actions taken by the organization or leadership previously and their effectiveness.
        • the organizational culture related to collaboration.
        • any relevant collaboration or interdisciplinary team experience you interviewee has had.

        The goal of this section is to convey what was discussed at the interview and identify an issue to pursuethroughout the rest of this assessment (and future assessments in this course), as well as have enough information to relate theories, strategies, and approaches to the situation at the organization.

        Issue Identification

        Identify the issue from the interview for which you consider an evidence-based interdisciplinary approachappropriate. Provide one or more specific reasons why an interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate for the issue.

        Change Theories That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

        For this section, look to the literature and describe one or more change theories that would help to develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite. Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the change theory?
        • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
        • How relevant is the theory to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?

        Leadership Strategies That Could Lead to an Interdisciplinary Solution

        This section is similar to the previous one, except you will be looking to the literature to help you describe one or more leadership strategy that would help you develop an interdisciplinary solution to the identified issue. Also, you should briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the leadership strategy?
        • How could it help create an interdisciplinary solution?
        • How relevant is the strategy to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?

        Collaboration Approaches for Interdisciplinary Teams

        Again, this section will be similar to the previous once, except that the focus will be on collaboration approaches. Depending on whether or not your interviewee’s organization usesinterdisciplinary teams frequently, your focus in this section may be on how to establish interdisciplinary teams and a collaborative foundation or how to improve the collaboration within an already established teams. You should also briefly note the relevance and credibility of the sources that you cite.

        Another way to think through this section is:

        • What is the leadership approach?
        • How could it help establish or improve collaboration?
        • How relevant is the approach to the specific identified issue?
        • How credible is the source?

