HSA Discussion Growth of Hospitals and Health Care Systems with Benefits of Long-Term Care Facilities Please respond to the following:Analyze the transition of medical training, early hospitals, and medical advancements up to the present time. Justify the need for doctors with advanced medical training in the health care industry. Explore the key concepts framing training, regulations, licensing, and provision of a range of services in todays health system.Predict the type of long-term care needed as the 21st Century America advances in age. Defend or critique the type of care patients obtain in private nursing homes as compared to public institutions or in-home care. Provide a rationale for your response.Compare the primary ways that patients are able to access health care in the U.S. Examine the identified services in the context of their emerging use and availability.


HSA AssignmentFunding the Rising Cost of U.S. Health CareIn light of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and the myriad of citizens using the new health care insurance system, you, as a health care administrator for a hospital, are responsible for reporting to the hospitals CEO regarding the new plans cost to the hospital and the issues with patients who can afford regular health care coverage.Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Give your opinion of the rising cost of health cares overall impact on the U.S. economy. Justify your response.Compare and contrast at least two (2) areas of the economy that the new health care act impacts. Explain your rationale.Debate the main pros and cons of using private insurance versus using the new affordable health insurance system.Analyze the cost associated with implementing ACA and its impact on access to health care access for different demographic groups. Provide a rationale for your response.Use at least four (4) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.